My theory:
SS knew there WILL IN FACT BE a Hot Toys 12" release of this version,
so SS put this PF on the fast track, not caring so much about quality as timing;
while the excitement about the HT Tech-Noir version was still fresh,
and while they knew the little fishies would bite. SS is just capitalizing on the hungry gap
between HT versions, and it shows.
If it were not so obviously parasitic of them, I would almost feel embarrassment on their behalf,
releasing such a crappy item at such a high price. Their motives are quite transparent to me.
In a few months or perhaps a year, HT will release a near-perfect 12" version,
and a lot of people will slowly begin to feel like suckers.
I'm glad I won't be one of them.
Shame on you Sideshow.
I won't feel like a sucker! cos no matter how "near-perfect" the HT version is, i wouldn't pick it over the PF. 12" is just too small to go in my display.

The gap on the left is for this T1 PF