Terminator 3 not cannon?

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I never said he "ripped off" the idea of Terminator but that he aquired the heartbeat of his story from another writer.

Btw WTF is a titanic? :D

I'm so disillusioned:monkey2. I always thought Cameron was the architect of awesomeness. Turns out, like Aliens, he is only the architect of take a good idea and run with it. Bastard. Cameron raped my childhood.:(

For me, not even T2 is canon because it changes the future from what Kyle recounted in T1. But as an alternate timeline, you can't have TS without T3, so now it is canon.
I'm so disillusioned:monkey2. I always thought Cameron was the architect of awesomeness. Turns out, like Aliens, he is only the architect of take a good idea and run with it. Bastard. Cameron raped my childhood.:(

For me, not even T2 is canon because it changes the future from what Kyle recounted in T1. But as an alternate timeline, you can't have TS without T3, so now it is canon.

He's still a legendary film maker and one of my all time favorites, he still "made" T1 and T2 so I wouldn't lose any respect for the man, he just tried to pull a quick one and it didn't work.

I love that pic as a Godzilla fan, but it means Godzilla travelled back in time. Titanic sank in 1912, but Godzilla wasn't created until an atomic explosion in WWII. Then, in 1991, a ship from the future altered the timeline, teleported Godzillasaurus to the bottom of the sea before the atomic explosion where he was later, unwittingly exposed to nuclear energy from a downed sub, the result of which was an unstable, but larger, more powerful nuclear Godzilla. Then he had a meltdown in 1995. I'm not making this up.

Then Toho rebooted Godzilla in 2000. Beam that to the geek bank, ^^^^^es!
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TheTerminator said:
I never said he "ripped off" the idea of Terminator but that he aquired the heartbeat of his story from another writer.

Oh I know, I read that before. Just like The dude who wrote the Watchmen comics "Aquired" the ending twist of his story from I believe an old Twilight Zone episode. It happens. Whether intentional (plagerism) or not (you soak up other ideas from TV/Movies/Books and later on you "come up" with something you think is yours but it's not).

TheTerminator said:
Btw WTF is a titanic?

A sandwich at Subway!? :confused:

"5.. $5 dollar foot longgggggg.. you're gonna sink and dieeeeee"

The new movies are cannon even if we dont like a lot of what happens in them.

To get all bent out of shape thinking the JC stole the idea from another movie is silly. It is very rare to find a movie that hasnt really been done before. Was anyone sued over Jason from Friday the 13th? Jason doesnt talk, wears a mask, is big, cant die, kills people. Sounds a lot like Michael Myers.

When I saw the Matrix I said I liked it the first time I saw it, it was called the Terminator.
When I saw the Matrix I said I liked it the first time I saw it, it was called the Terminator.

You were probably confused and really watching the Terminator. If not.. iunno. Lens Crafters is having a big weekend sale, might wanna check into that homie.

Time Travel

Terminator - Check
The Matrix - Negative

Cybernetic Human looking Robot Killers

Terminator - Check
The Matrix - Negative

Alternate Fake Reality

The Matrix - Check
Terminator - Negative


The Matrix - Check
Terminator - Negative

You were probably confused and really watching the Terminator. If not.. iunno. Lens Crafters is having a big weekend sale, might wanna check into that homie.

Time Travel

Terminator - Check
The Matrix - Negative

Cybernetic Human looking Robot Killers

Terminator - Check
The Matrix - Negative

Alternate Fake Reality

The Matrix - Check
Terminator - Negative


The Matrix - Check
Terminator - Negative


Oh ohh.. Just pissed off a matrix fan..

How about this.. A computer taking over the world and it kills and uses people for its own good? Its about the main idea of the movie. Sorry theres no Kung Fu in The Terminator.

You could have won the case for James Cameron. All you had to do is point out:

Man with wierd glass hand that he talks to.

Outer Limits - Check
Terminator - Negative

Man with wiped memory but knows he was grown 10 days ago.

Outer Limits - Check
Terminator - Negative

Im sure I could go on pointing out how they are different and I could go on pointing out how they are they same. Thats my point, you can find Similarities and differences in tons of movies. I just find it silly when people sue people over stuff like this.

There has to be something specific like if a movie came out with a new killer and he just happens to kill people with a glove with blades on it. Where do we draw the line?
The new movies are cannon even if we dont like a lot of what happens in them.

To get all bent out of shape thinking the JC stole the idea from another movie is silly. It is very rare to find a movie that hasnt really been done before. Was anyone sued over Jason from Friday the 13th? Jason doesnt talk, wears a mask, is big, cant die, kills people. Sounds a lot like Michael Myers.

When I saw the Matrix I said I liked it the first time I saw it, it was called the Terminator.

Who the ^^^^ is getting all bent out of shape? :confused: The Outer Limits author? I stated a FACT I never said anything negative about what he did. I could care less if he borrowed, stole, pimp slapped the script right out of the writers hands.
Who the ^^^^ is getting all bent out of shape? :confused: The Outer Limits author? I stated a FACT I never said anything negative about what he did. I could care less if he borrowed, stole, pimp slapped the script right out of the writers hands.

Slow down.. I was half kidding by saying getting bent out of shape, and I wasnt talking about you. I was talking about SilentSurfer's comments.

"I'm so disillusioned. I always thought Cameron was the architect of awesomeness. Turns out, like Aliens, he is only the architect of take a good idea and run with it. Bastard. Cameron raped my childhood."

Im sure he was half kidding too.
Fight! Fight!

It's been a whole two seconds since I've seen a fight on this forum. It's about time another one started. Kick each others' ***** for my amusement.
Oh ohh.. Just pissed off a matrix fan..

:lol:lol:lol I don't give a single, solitary ^^^^ about The Terminator OR The Matrix. Get to know me, you'll realize that. I like both films.. but I am not one of those people that acts like a movie is some life changing experience or dear to their heart. It's entertainment. My response is based off the fact that I have eyes and a brain. Sorry.
Kids, play nice.

There was no real reason for Connor to have a wife in TS, except that she was a character in T3.
I propose an official renaming of the films.

The Terminator
Terminator 2: Salvation (the Terminator came to save John and the future)
Terminator 3: Judgement Day (cause Judgement Day actually happened in this one)
Terminator 4: Rise of the Machines

If the franchise continues in the vision of McG we'll soon have-

Terminator 5: European Vacation
Terminator 6: Complete and Total Cluster^^^^
Terminator 7: the Matrix Begins
I propose an official renaming of the films.

The Terminator
Terminator 2: Salvation (the Terminator came to save John and the future)
Terminator 3: Judgement Day (cause Judgement Day actually happened in this one)
Terminator 4: Rise of the Machines

If the franchise continues in the vision of McG we'll soon have-

Terminator 5: European Vacation
Terminator 6: Complete and Total Cluster^^^^
Terminator 7: the Matrix Begins

lol that is funny...