Terminator 8: T-800 Takes Manhattan
Terminator 9: T-800 Goes to Hell
Terminator X (the T-800 gets a sex change into the T-X)
Freddy vs Terminator
Freddy vs Terminator vs Ash vs Yoda vs ED-209 vs Time Bandits vs PredAlien which takes place in the same universe as Darth Vader vs RoboCop vs Smurfs vs Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
Now that would be an awesome franchise...
...for me to poop on.
Terminator 9: T-800 Goes to Hell
Terminator X (the T-800 gets a sex change into the T-X)
Freddy vs Terminator
Freddy vs Terminator vs Ash vs Yoda vs ED-209 vs Time Bandits vs PredAlien which takes place in the same universe as Darth Vader vs RoboCop vs Smurfs vs Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
Now that would be an awesome franchise...
...for me to poop on.