The harvester looks like crap.
The motorbikes looks even crappier.
T-600 looks cool.
if the Harvester is indeed as tall as it seems to be by the scale of the endo, i'll be ok with it - looks a lot like ED-209 - but pictures don't mean anything to me until I see them in action. so many people hated Daniel Craig as Bond based on the early photos, and after the movie, he has become one of the most popular Bonds.
if the Harvester is indeed as tall as it seems to be by the scale of the endo, i'll be ok with it - looks a lot like ED-209 - but pictures don't mean anything to me until I see them in action. so many people hated Daniel Craig as Bond based on the early photos, and after the movie, he has become one of the most popular Bonds.
My problem is, instead of going with the designs of the past films, they're going with designs from other film franchises. They did it right with the Endos and the flying HK. Updated but still retains the smooth, almost one piece design. Not a bunch of crap thrown together.
They look like they took to much from Transformers/Matrix instead of looking at their own franchise. It's not hard. I totally wasn't expecting the new stuff to look that detached from the rest. It's like they didn't put much thought into it.
Like others said, the Harvester even has a Robocop look to it.
transformers, robocop = robotswhat do you expect
Honestly, Stan Winston and co were involved in the making of this film... So if it is good enough for Sam, it's good enough for me.
And I think that the rough look makes sense here, being that it is early on in the war. The stuff in T3 was manufactured by people, not necessarily the will of Skynet. Now that Skynet is in charge, maybe the machines just made what they could with what they have available... at least until full scale manufacturing centers can be built to make more high tech designs.
That's how I see it, makes sense to me...