barryo, bro!
Why you are using grey shirt again?
It's not screen accurate to this moments.
hey everyone ive been wanting to make a kitbashed arnie for a long time does anyone know where I can get a battle damaged head like darren carnell's? ive tried contacting him but cant seem to get through so if anyone knows where i can find one possibly painted as well the help would be much appreciated.
hey everyone ive been wanting to make a kitbashed arnie for a long time does anyone know where I can get a battle damaged head like darren carnell's? ive tried contacting him but cant seem to get through so if anyone knows where i can find one possibly painted as well the help would be much appreciated.
I remember a few months back I e-mailed xenoviper about heads from both t-1 and t-2 but couldnt affor it at the time and feel kinda bad bugging him about possibly making them. what is everyone using fo the 203 bandolier on their t-2 customs? also is there another route in getting a 1/6 mini gun or just through the BD t800 from hot toys?
Woohoo!!! Got my T-800 head from Lonnie todayIt's cast in a very cool transparent flesh color. I really wish I had a digi cam so I could post pics of it.
Aye need a vahcation.
that is one amazing custom xenoviper!!!