Super Freak
Re: Terminator: Genisys (July 1st, 2015)
All I can say is, what the hell is Cameron gonna pull out of his @$$ with Avatar 2, 3 and 4 if he genuinely considers this a '10' film? How far can one fall. I actually refuse to believe it. I refuse to believe that he is serious. In his heart of hearts he knows that Genisys is a piss-take, he just doesn't want to offend Arnold who himself was never the brains behind this franchise, who never quite had his thumb on the pulse of what people liked about the first two films. Arnold put in two great performances in those films and it was entirely down to Cameron's guidance. Cameron may be aware of this but is too nice to say it to his friend - yeah, Cameron 'too nice'But seriously, even if Cameron was reacting having been flattered by so much reference to his classic film and that, perhaps, all of this gave him pride which in turn deluded him into thinking that what he was watching was 'fantastic, a straight 10' - I cannot believe that this will remain his reaction for all time. He is smarter than this. It will dawn on him very shortly how awful Genisys is as a continuation of his franchise and it'll be right back to ''other people pissing in his soup''. T2 closed it out, nothing else followed.
There was only one other movie to be made that never happened and even this probably wasn't an imperative. A movie-length version of the future war sequence that was originally to be part of T2. No stupid twists required, no ****ing trilogy. Just one movie showing us what Michael Biehn's Kyle Reese described. Just ****ing make that, lead directly into the events of T1 and T2. Done. Perfect coverage of the story. But no. Instead we apparently need a bunch of nonsense retread Terminator movies made by rent-a-directors instead of the original guy who himself has become bizarrely obsessed by something no one cares about...a movie that is routinely described as overrated and for which even the core fandom has possibly dissipated quite a bit by the time the next film comes around.