"ALIEN makes Raiders of the Lost Ark look like a cartoon."
A View to a Kill is a "classier" action move than Raiders.
I know now why you cry.
"ALIEN makes Raiders of the Lost Ark look like a cartoon."
A View to a Kill is a "classier" action move than Raiders.
The daughter and I went to see this yesterday. Overall we liked it; didn't love it. Daughter's comment after leaving the theater was "I know why it's rated PG-13."
Funny the things that bother one about movies. I didn't like the 3 guys they picked to be punks. No tire treads on his face. That was stupid even for the 80's, but should've been kept. I don't even think he had the gap teeth. I know things have changed and I guess because Pops was sent back Punk's parent got him braces. Reese measuring the Nikes; it was like an actor going through the motions and not thinking about how that would look in real life. Why were Sarah and Reese left alone in the hospital in 2017? I know it moves the story along, but it still bugged me. As many others have stated many bugs in this movie, but if you just enjoy it as a summer movie you'll be all right. If you go in expecting Terminator badass it ain't.
What's funny is that while none of the "retread" moments will be anywhere near as iconic as those same moments in the 1984 original the punks in the new movie were actually much better actors and delivered their lines much more naturally than Paxton's crew.
The scene where they are in their bunker loading clips was a bit strange, didn't the T 800 have like 30 years to load some damn clips?Also, Sarah picking a bus out of all the possible options available to escape was beyond dumb. Why would you pick a vehicle that is hard to move, not fast, no maneuverability? I guess the director really wanted that bus flip for the trailer
I'll always think of Terminator as one of the greats from the 80's.
The modern triad of movie monsters -- Alien, Terminator, Predator -- was born of the 80's and shall always live there.
I'll always think of Terminator as one of the greats from the 80's.
The modern triad of movie monsters -- Alien, Terminator, Predator -- was born of the 80's and shall always live there.
PS: $44 million in 5 days on the July 4th wknd is a solid bomb. That's not even $10 mil a day. And since overseas generally does double the domestic, $85 total is a bomb. Paramount hasn't even recouped its budget let alone the other $150 million in advertising.
I think its back to TV for this franchise. Gonna be a Netflicks miniseries or something.
Saw Genisys last night: pleasantly surprised, pretty good flick; solid 7.5/10
Half in the Bag is upI'm going to watch it now.
Terminator Genisys opened at #1 in Russia ($12.5M at 1,150 locations)