Yeah and so is the Takara Batman to you so it doesn't say alot.

I haven't seen this movie yet but its either getting really bad reviews or average reviews.
It WILL get overhyped now regardless since after all it is THE TERMINATOR.
Its just the way things go.
I have done it alot of times with movies. Hell with all the hype around some movies it seems like its a crime not to like them sometimes.
I always try and stay away from other peoples opinions and gauge my own.
People will complain and I really don't blame them. If theres things they don't like I want to know what they are. This is a discussion board and I want to know other peoples opinions.
I'll be going to watch this sometime this week but to be honest personally I'm not excited. Since the first trailer this movie has been reminding me of Reign of Fire.

I'm not a fan of that movie too so its hard to like anything about this movie until I go and watch it.
I'm almost certain I'm going to be a little dissapointed once I've watched it since theres so much missing that made T1 and T2 so special.
That said I'm sure this movie has some things that make it good in its own way too.
Like somebody has said the endo looks ( in my eyes anyway ) pretty terrible compared to the first 2 ( maybe even 3 ) movies. I doubt I'm going to enjoy that last fight as much as I would like too and could.
I think I would of preffered this story to be left alone completely unless Cameron came back and felt he had something to show but that being said I like to watch these newer movies as sort of fan films.
I did the same with avp and avp-r and am probably going to have too with this Alien remake.

I'm looking forward to watching this now. I'm pretty sure though I'm not going to walk out thinking it was epic.