Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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Another decent episode... although the future war stuff wasn't as exciting as it could be. The show hasn't really picked up steam, but its still enjoyable enough.
I only have one word for this show now: CUT!

I'm done with it.

That Ryan Seacrest guy (I know it's the 90210 MetroSexual anti-Cameron type) as Kyle's brother was the final nail in the coffin. Lena bugs me more very week and the writing is pallid and hollow, using every cliche of Cameron's work as a crutch.

It's sort of insulting now.

I can't take it anymore. :lol

I tried, I really tried. See ya...
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Fun episode tonight even though the budget is showing again. I'd say the thing the show really needs is more style. The writing and the directing are too safe, too reserved. But the plotting is good, the casting is great and the ideas that open up the movies into an ongoing series are really fun.
I like it so far. Lena Headly is freakin' hot and does the tough girl stuff with ease!.. a helluva allot better looking than Linda Hamilton ever was. Also, I don't really give a flying crap what the naysayers opinion is. If I like it I'll watch it...if you don't like Don't watch...pretty simple...right?
why is cameron hoarding terminator parts? first she keeps a piece of that coltan stuff and now she has that CPU chip. i love how pissed she looked when that dixon guy told her she was a very scary robot. the future war stuff was pretty cool as well. plus what was happening in that basement with the music? so many unanswered questions. see ya next week.
I figured she was the one torturing people in the basement... that's why he recognized her as a Terminator so quickly back at the base.
I figured she was the one torturing people in the basement... that's why he recognized her as a Terminator so quickly back at the base.

That's what I think too!

As for all you naysayers :emperor this show is cool, if you stop and remember it is a TV show not a $100 Million movie.

They done a really good job incorporating linking scenes from the original movie, like when Sarah picture burns and Kyle is trapped in the fire.

So funny cuz my wife laughed at the concept when I told her now she is hooked! More then I am! :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
Certainly not a huge Terminator fan, always enjoyed the Alien movies much more, but I thought the tv show was pretty decent...there really is not a lot out there these days Sci Fi wise (not a big Doc Who fan).

I've watched all the Terminator movies and its a good story line as a series, I thought Term 3 wasn't half bad either but on its own merits the TV show has a solid storyline that makes me want to see what happens the next episode, Lena does a good job, the young kid as Conner is a heck of a lot better here then he was in Season one of Heroes and Summer Glau while more eye candy is ok as well.

I'm sure there were a few people from the boards who attended SDDC last year and were able to sit in on the panel for the tv show, they showed the semi uncut pilot, changed a storyline and character, but the actors, writers and producers all seemed to have a genuine desire to make this a good tv show, I'm gonna give them my hour a week to prove it to me.

I hate to further the argument, I would much rather just make baseless claims as to why the show blows, but, if you are gonna sight viewer number as to why the show is good you have to consider the fact that Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles is competing with pretty much no shows. If it were up against Heroes I doubt it would do so well. I am not making a statement that the show is bad, but what I am saying is you cant use viewer numbers to say it is good.

In a season totally void of shows due to the writers strike this show arrived at the PERFECT time. With no choice of new shows to watch I would expect this show to do really well in viewer numbers.

That said, I am permanently exiting this thread. For fans of the show I hope it does really well.

Later biznatches!

*Sniff* I can honestly say I miss King. Sigh ... in his honor, I shall chose a "Best Of" post after every new episode. First off, that moving, classic first post:

"It was ok, at best.

Some really lame crap in it though, like the chair stopping bullets

And people traveling back in time to build future weapons and a freakin time machines That was f'n stupid. What in 1963 did the "engineer" use to build this future crap?!?!?!? LAME!!!!!

Too many holes and inconsistencies to really enjoy it IMO.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 3."

The emotion ... the elocution. Ah, the early days. So much anger, yet a tinge of hope. The TV reviewer equivalent of Nirvana (let's hope it ends better for the King). I too, King, dream of a future where chair stopping bullets can one day make America safe! Coming next week ... episode 2 ... oh, I shiver with antici ....... pation! :D
Here is what I said about a month ago. I still think this is the only thing that can build momentum on this show. Judging by the last episode I think they agree...

I think it would be interesting if Cameron knows that Sarah Connor was the one to cause Judgment Day and she was sent by Cyberdyne to make sure it happens. She was ordered to take them to 2007 and plant the seeds for what needs to happen. Basically, Cameron is the prototype to what the Terminatrix model is (hence the blue eyes flashing instead of the red). Why else send a girl? Easy: to make it easier for both John and Sarah to trust her.

Her whole story about John Connor sending her from the future is bull*****. That's the only thing that can make this show interesting later on because, as is, it really is reaching into our Terminator nostalgia to make us like it. So once that is revealed you introduce a new "hero" Terminator protector that geeks can identify more with. Most likely a male and no-nonsense kinda guy full of one liners.
It sure looks like it's heading in that direction, Squid...

While that's not a bad plot line, my only concern is that there will come a time when she has to "choose" between her mission and her "new family"...some crucial moment when it's all or nothing. And...to be true to the story, she's got to choose her mission. She's a machine...any "happy" ending would be the shark-jumping moment for the show.

That was one of the aspects of T3 I really liked...that downer ending. I hope this show is brave enough to go that route...it would keep it interesting...
Well, she really hasn't showed me anything that implies she is making a slow transition to being more human. Actually, they are going out of their way to show her more robotic and creepy.

I hope they bring up the issue of resetting her CPU like they did with Arnold in T2. That way she can "learn" more and act more human. If she is evil she won't let them do it.
SLF, good insight.
Never thought about it too much, but I think it would be good if your idea turned out to be right.
The other thing about Cameron playing both sides is that it allows for a "good" Cameron to come through and there can be a "good" Cameron/"bad" Cameron thing going on. One thing's for sure: Summer Glau won't be leaving the show anytime soon.

Nother new episode tomorrow.
I think she isn't bad looking.