Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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i just think it negates T3 cuz the movie sucked so bad. don't know why people still cling to that film like they are clutching at straws. just let it go. take a deep breathe everybody and forget it ever happened. your lives will be better for it. i guarantee it.

I did like the concept of the TX, just not the execution of it. The design was "uber female" in shape. Not necessary when you have an endoskeleton base with polymemetic (sp?) metal capabilities. I expected it to have more internal weapons.
I did like the concept of the TX, just not the execution of it. The design was "uber female" in shape. Not necessary when you have an endoskeleton base with polymemetic (sp?) metal capabilities. I expected it to have more internal weapons.
personally i find the TX a major backpedal design wise. the whole point of the T-1000 is it's capability to withstand ballistic weaponry without taking permanent damage. the TX lacks this cuz its endoskeleton allows for damage. the only advancement in the TX is the internal weapons but i find that a little far fetched even in the teminator universe. the TX was really only created to attract the ubergeek adolescent male fanbase (a.k.a. teenage boys) who were hoping for a bit of nudity on screen.
Since you can't transmit non-living items through the time bubble, I imagine she was encased in a ball of living skin, which she broke out of when arriving in "our" time. Otherwise, how would "liquid metal" be transported back in time? What was the reason she had an endoskelton? Was it just to hide the weapon, circular saw she had? Why not just transport a 40 watt phased plasma rifle gift wrapped in skin? T3 was not my favorite movie, but it had some cool things, the beginning of the flying HKs, the T-105, early terminators. It wasn't all bad.
i've only seen the movie once when it was first released in theaters so i actually can't remember it very well. i won't watch it again. the only parts i can truly remember are arnold saying "talk to the hand" and arnold wearing those star shaped sunglasses. i guess it must be a bad movie if those are the only 2 parts that stand out in my mind.:lol
I think it has to negate T3 for the fact with the time travel in the beginning of the show but like others have mentioned it is basically in its own Terminator Universe so they can do whatever they want I think.

The whole point of the Terminator series is to go back to the past to change the future. That is exactly what this show did. T3 was going to happen before Sarah and John time traveled. When that happened, T3's future disappeared. It became a "what if" kind of movie. I think that is actually pretty cool because we always are hearing about them wanting to change the future by messing with the past. That is what they did and now we get to see both sides of what happened.

I'm just curious to see if T4 will follow TSCC or T3 in terms of storyline (or neither).
The whole point of the Terminator series is to go back to the past to change the future. That is exactly what this show did. T3 was going to happen before Sarah and John time traveled. When that happened, T3's future disappeared. It became a "what if" kind of movie. I think that is actually pretty cool because we always are hearing about them wanting to change the future by messing with the past. That is what they did and now we get to see both sides of what happened.

I'm just curious to see if T4 will follow TSCC or T3 in terms of storyline (or neither).

I am hopeful that the new movie will rock. I expect changes, "This is not the future my mother warned me about." Just as long as I don't hear lines like, "Talk to the hand." and I don't see scenes like below, I'll be happy.

Well, if you are scared about the robots, then read this book to really crap your pants!!

Wired for War I picked it up this weekend, mainly cause I love military hardware, but it is really cool and a good read. But it has some crazy stuff in there. I liked this particular part:

The author, PW Singer, is talking about Predator drones at this time (which I will hopefully be working with soon!!).

We're experiencing something incredibly historic right now, and yet no one is talking about it. Think about the phrase "going to war." That has meant the same thing for five thousand years. It meant going to a place where there was such danger that they may never come home again, may never see their family again. Whether you were talking about my grandfather's experience in World War II or Achilles going off to fight the Trojans.

Compare that to what it means in a world of Predator drones, already. One of the pilots I interviewed says you're going to war—for 12 hours. You're shooting weapons at targets, killing enemy combatants. And then you get back in your car and you drive home. And 20 minutes later, you're sitting at the dinner table, talking to your kids about their homework. So we have an absolute change in the meaning of going to war, in our lifetime right now, and nobody was talking about it.

To me this really isn't really new, as I was in the Navy fighting in the generation when all this ^^^^ was going on, but even some of the stuff is surpirsining for me.

I saw an article on this on Gizmodo this morning which was cool as I just got the book.
Pretty decent episode tonight...lots of airtime for all the characters. Only two episodes left....I really hope this gets show gets picked up for season 3!
Good episode, not as good as the last two, but not bad. I like the fact that John Henry is starting to "freak out" and it looks like next week will be pretty action packed.
It "feels like" loose ends are wrapping up. I hope for more seasons. Gutsy clinic move by Sarah, I don't know if I could have pulled that off.
Finally got to watch it cause I'm in the hospital and had to wait for someone to torrent it, but I thought it was pretty good.

Damn, so I thought Catherine (liquid metal) was the one behind the warehouse guy and putting th bug in Sarah, but it looks like the other "intelligence" is behind it. Or am I reading it wrong??

Cause it seems like "it" was tracking her and the others. That guy tracking her in the hospital had the same outfit on as the other ones and from the way the gy was getting instructions to cut out Cameron's chip, it was definitely the other "intelligence".

Well, a good episode to start wrapping stuff up for the finale, be it one way or another. I am definitely pulling for the season finale, cause this is finally starting to go somewhere and get better!!!!