I don't know how much they pay them, although the cost of living is certainly lower there. We are speculating. However, if SS is giving them a job they wouldn't have had without working for them, then that is to the benefit of the Chinese. In that case, SS is proving jobs where once there was none, at a rate of pay that is probably comparable to any other job in China, which is why the workers took the job. The low cost of living is why there can be low pay for Chinese workers. If they were paid as much as American workers, then it would be better that American workers make them, because then the freight charges would be much lower.
Are you havin a laugh with us? you can't be for real right? Flipping is not OK in this instance just because they are super hero collectibles? What about the Dr. Doom PF- he is an evil MOFO, can I flip that statue? Doesn't matter because I have already flipped two of them.
I think you are really new to this hobby. Sure it sucks that you have not been able to make a profit yet but once you do then I doubt you will be lecturing us on ethics anymore.
At the end of the day, an item is an item. It can be sold for whatever the market will handle. Doesn't matter if it's a statue of Captain America or some porn.
I guess the argument boils down to what is reasonable profit and motivation? Well, it's subjective. There is not one thing you can buy in this world that hasn't been marked up. People are flipping everything from food to movies to medicine...especially medicine. Is it unethical, depends on who you are and what your needs are. Will it ever end? No because our whole system would collapse. Profit is what drives our economy.
It really pisses me off how much Doctors charge. Is there a reasonable reason for them to charge so much? Yes and no. Yes they did study for years to become a doctor and also paid for their studies but no because people actually do need their services. I think in considering ethics you must consider the necessity of the goods or service to society. Doctors should be more ashamed of themselves than flippers of statues. Flippers of statues sell unnecessary trinkets to the public. Doctors provide a life saving service and can turn away patients in need without insurance. If you get severely sick one time in this country you may walk out of that hospital bankrupt... if they will even admit you in the first place. Sad.
Just a ramble.
FACT: Flippers provide a valuable service of getting things for people who suck at getting things.![]()
Well, actually a bad guy would be different. Flipping a Doom for people who love evil isn't so bad to me. Actually, I'm just an idealist who feels disenfranchised by the attitude some have towards flipping something which to me stands for strongly for making the world a better place than it is.
To me, superhero collectibles aren't about economics. They are about liking the characters, which don't try to take advantage of people, they try to help them. Stan Lee said that superheroes don't try to hurt people, they try to help people. I understand economics and capitalism. I just don't think that they should apply the same to superhero collectibles. The superhero genre is supposed to be ABOVE such things. If people want to do it to horror collectibles, its different, because those are about hurting people. In that case, I think ruthless capitalism would be totally consistent with that mindset.
I think you should be a superhero yourself and combat greedy flippers by buying up all items before they can be flipped and then hand them out as gifts to the true collectors ...![]()
I think you should be a superhero yourself and combat greedy flippers by buying up all items before they can be flipped and then hand them out as gifts to the true collectors ...![]()
So you actually do think it's ethical for Sideshow to take advantage of an economical situation even though they themselves would never work for such a low wage or dare to try and pay Americans that amount... since that would be illegal.
Sideshow and all other companies are using these people to turn a profit and not offering these employees the same benefits and rewards as their American counter-parts. How could you defend that and still preach about super-hero ethics?
What about the Punisher ?? Can he be flipped ??? he's a hero who does bad things...![]()
Eli are you drunk posting?![]()