It really pisses me off how much Doctors charge.
Not intending to divert much from the "drunk posting", but. . .when you consider MDs, think about this--
1) they had to go to medical school, which costs A LOT of money. There are a very small number of docs who aren't in an incredible amount of debt that they have to pay off. Add this to any debt that they might have accrued as an undergrad;
2) they have to pay an outrageous price for malpractice insurance, because, in part, many patients are quite unethical themselves;
3) if doctors weren't paid what they are, there would be many fewer doctors, made up of less qualified individuals, because the income is a large factor contributing to the decision for smart, capable people to go through Med School (which is a very long, very expensive, and very difficult process), and to keep doing what they do. If you lose that incentive, those guys will make money some other way;
4) there are high administrative costs associated with being a doctor--paying for nurses, secretaries, lawyers, book-keepers, rent/mortgage, facility upkeep, etc.
5) also, if you have a true medical emergency, you can not, by law, be turned away for treatment (I know, because I worked at a hospital for a while). Unfortunately, you won't be treated for long without insurance, but should doctors really act as a charity if you aren't able to have insurance (which is the fault of the patient to begin with)?
So, it isn't quite so black and white. I think docs deserve what they get, and don't consider their fees unethical in the least.
Also, I personally enjoy buying toys on the cheap and "price gouging." It makes me feel powerful when I take advantage of others. Their life energies flow into me, and I become god-like.
Some drugs have over a 100,000% profit.
No, they don't. They have 1,000,000% profit. Because all drugs are really placebo "water pills" that cost 1 cent to make.