Saying that Sideshow's version of Thanos is superior to Bowen's is not a question of logic, but one of opinion.
I didn't call you naive because you liked SSC's Thanos better than Bowen's. I called you naive and

Back to Thanos. The Bowen Thanos is a better sculpt. The pose, his face, and costume are all superior to SSC's Thanos. SSC's base is the bomb though. As for the color scheme of the Bowen Thanos, that was not Randy's fault. He has said numerous times that the Thanos sample he sent to Marvel for approval had the navy blue color in his costume. Marvel rejected it and insisted on the baby blue color. He had no choice but to comply if he wanted to release the statue. When I have the spare $$$, I'll have my Bowen Thanos repainted to his navy blue color. However, even if I leave it as's still better than SSC's. That is my opinion.

Last need to grow some thicker skin. People will disagree with you, that is a fact of life. It's the way you are dealing with it that is causing all this drama for you. If you keep it up, people will start calling you diva instead of divo. Welcome to the forum.
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