Still, that too is the superhero genre and Batman. HT's bread and butter used to be Aliens and Predator and Terminator. Not anymore though. They'll give us a smattering here and there but primarily Superheroes is where its at for them now.
And yet there is supposedly an announcement of a new Predator film this week. :eek
And yet there is supposedly an announcement of a new Predator film this week. :eek
well, recently tankman cared.He's way past crippling them. Hot Toys should give up their Alien & Predator licenses and let someone who cares have a go.
That IS a serious response.
HOt toys holds the alines liscense still, yet, if its not Nolan Batman, or Iron man related, HOt toys is in no hurry to make it.
Captain Harlock anyone?
He did say "Nolan Batman" specifically, you know.Still, that too is the superhero genre and Batman.
Well they decided to redo their whole Pred line, Aliens isn't out of the realm of possibility. But I don't see it anytime soon.
Awwwww come on!!! More Batman 66!!! In a year we are getting Moebius Models model kits, NECA in 7" and 1/4 series and now Hot Toys too? Batman fans are going to be holy-happy, on my side i would prefer a diversification of themes instead of 3 big firms doing versions of the same series, even if the format is different in every case. Is like a Bat-flood all sudden!
Mattel is also making six-inch figures. If you're genuinely curious as to why all this '66 Batman Merchandise is coming out this year, it's because after a very long time tied up in legal limbo, the license to the show finally became available last year.