Are there any more Berties coming out in the next few months? I love the look of them, if so I can put one on my b'day list.
Gutted I did not get one form the wave 2 when they were at retail price.
If not ill ask for an Armstrong as they look great too.
anyone else having trouble accessing the Threea forums?
Web Server upgrade
crafted by admin on September 03rd, 2011
3A is upgrading its server again, it can take between 24-48 hours for normal to be back.
Website, Blog and Email is working as normal.
Forum is down
ok cool,thanks. What Ceasar bots are y'all getting come Sep.14th?
ok cool,thanks. What Ceasar bots are y'all getting come Sep.14th?
Forum hopefully will be back on Monday.
Sorry about that guys, I'm here experiencing serious withdrawal...
I signed up Friday and have not been able to have a look around yet
Probably for the best as I'll want more plastic crack!
Didn't know u was into threeA mate?
Also space is a premium and 1/12 size will be easier to fit in.
U make room for EB Arnie, u can make room for bigass threeA bots!!