Super Freak
Queeny, probably gonna be my first 3AA purchase. : )

I hate how expensive those lil zombs are gonna get, because I want a zillion.
me too. Im trying to trade my blind cowboy super set for some more at the moment. just wanna try and get a full set of these guys.
Same here, I want a full set, Zombs are my favorites. It's gonna be hard.
Already buying 1/12th accessories for them.
These Zombs are going to be a world of fun. Most dollhouse furniture, accessories, etc are 1/12th, so there is lots of potential for insanity.
I was thinking about customizing my ghostbusters fire house and ecto 1 to house some zombs and make the ecto 1 into a black hearse.
I dont really follow 3A except for waiting for Rex, but i have a question...
Why are the HT batman collectors so certain that the pictre of HT's people with 3A's people was to do with a HT Catwoman costume???
I know Batman is hot s#it right now, but it seems more likely that t's something to do with MGS since it's the only licese they both share.
Yeah I thought that for a second as well, but HT has done plenty of catsuits themselves.