It may be worth it if your singles end up being carded and my 4 pack JCs are not. Love the packaging of those action portables and that was one of the reasons I bit on the 4 pack. Then I found out that they are probably not individually carded and my heart sank. Oops. Another rookie mistake.
I've been trying to get in touch with 3A about swapping my 4 JC's for the 4 pack with tommy, I ordered early during the glitch. I sent them a few emails asking to change it like they said they would on there Bama production page but now I've just got an email asking for more money for shipping. So annoying, I hope they change it because I don't want to pay 30 odd pounds extra & end up with a figure less. I just sent them a reply to there email, I'm hoping they'll reply this time around.
I don't think that is how it is originally conceived. I'd suggest send them another email.
What I think is how it should be is that they simply cancel all you singles order and add a 4+1 pack in their place.
The only tricky part is if you have made all your 4 purchase individually ie you have 4 different PO number. They will have to cancel 3 of them and keep 1 for the 4+1. Some hassle for their finance dept for P&L calculation.
But if you have made all 4 singles purchase with a single PO number, should be quite straight forward.
AP zombs still available for a good price.