Unfortunately, I think later sequels establish that Terminator is a franchise of the 80s and early 90s, and doesn't fit well with the film styles of the late 90s and beyond. Action and slasher/horror/thriller films of the 80s and early 90s were of a different caliber. Today's movie styles don't suit a lot of stories that came out of those decades, and no one is willing or able to make a movie that is like that period to have it fit the source. Credit where credit is due, Stallone had the guts to do Expendables and deliver 80s style action, granted most of the starts were older and that was probably a factor in their mediocre success, but he knew what needed to be done to tell a story akin to the movies of those decades and did it. I think failure of such films is why no one gambles on doing it, but then the decision should be, move on, come up with some fresh and fitting for the current time because you're just dragging classic characters through the mud. The last theatrical showing of Sarah Connor was T2 and a hell of a lasting memory, this could do to her what Rocky 5 did to that character. Go out on a high note.