Broke and happy
Hey Cameron your tv Ghost Rider villain is coming out the same year that Cap stood up to Thanos, ouch.
He never said that about Alita. I think his heart just isn't in Terminator any more. Nothing about that trailer suggested that it was a labor of love or anything more than a by the numbers cash grab now that he finally has the rights back.
For all we know, this may very well feel like a fitting sequel when we finally see it, but look what the ads already doing, it's making us think Fast and Furious and that's probably the point, make fans of those movies who may stick their nose up at T1 or T2 go flocking to theaters and piss away their money to see this movie.
That was actually during an interview for Alita. They asked him about his producing role and directed the question torwards dark fate and that was his response. He was probably confident of Alita though.
How the hell did Cameron write those scenes with a straight face? The girl hitting the Terminator with the metal rod looked like the same setting that Bale fought the T-800 in Salvation. The non-white Terminator climbing through the windshield and morphing onto the hood? Um just saw a non-white Terminator climbing the through the windshield and morphing onto the hood in Genysis, lol.
Oooh but this time it's SARAH CONNOR who saves them at the last minute! Um Emilia Clarke showed us that too, lol. Are they really giving us the *exact* same movie as all the bad sequels? Is this a joke? *looks around for hidden cameras* lol
Oh man, lol.
"So as producer to my beloved Alita adaptation I got to work hand in hand with Robert Rodriguez every step of the way to ensure that our collaboration resulted in the best possible movie."
"And you're working on a new Terminator as well?"
"Uh yeah but since I'm just a producer don't blame me if it sucks."