a-dev the scene by scene breakdown of T3 from that link you posted is absolutely hysterical! There's just too much to post here but these bits (and there's MANY more) have me in stitches:
Holy crap, and this is just reading through a small segment of the crane chase.
"Now that the T-X is aware of the presence of the T-850, it deploys the crane boom sideways in order to make it difficult for the T-850 to follow. Of course, doing so also means that the crane is going to move even slower, since the crane boom and outriggers will be hitting every single multi-ton obstacle in the way. It's a wonder that this crane could ever be used for construction, because the hook at the end of the boom has more destructive power than a wrecking ball. By merely touching a car, it can make it flip end over end and/or explode spectacularly. In at least one case, just having the tip of the hook graze the top of a car is enough to cause it to explode in a massive fireball. "
"Rather than risk killing its primary target, the T-X decides to abort the plasma cannon shot and focus on dealing with the T-850. It swings the hook at the T-850, which has thoughtfully chosen the exact following distance necessary to make that possible. Rather than swerve, hit the brakes, or accelerate, the T-850 actually reaches out and hugs the hook, losing both the shotgun and the motorcycle in the process. Luckily for the T-850, the explosive hook doesn't work on Terminators, so the T-X has to settle for swinging the T-850 back and forth into various obstacles"
"Meanwhile, John Connor has turned into a residential neighborhood. Rather than stick to the relatively empty street, he swerves onto the sidewalk again, where he now has to content with trees, parked cars, lawn furniture, low-traction surfaces, an assortment of random objects, and of course pedestrians. Multiple pedestrians dive for cover as the savior of humanity nearly runs them over to save his own skin."
Holy crap, and this is just reading through a small segment of the crane chase.