The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

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I honestly don't get it. One would think the execs behind this stuff really, at the end of the day, only care about profits. So why keep ignoring the obvious dislike/unpopularity of turning largely male-fanbase properties into this stuff?

It's like Otomofan said - they just double down. They think the negative response is precisely the reason they need to continue doing it and so they will until eventually there is no negative response.

Terminator has historically had a majority male fanbase - there was never anything wrong with that - it's not something that needed to change. It's not important to the world that more women start to like Terminator in the same way that it's not important for men to start gathering their buddies together and going to the movies to watch Rom-Coms. Men and women like different things - and that's OK. I wish Hollywood would realize that.
I don't know how anyone can look at that pic and feel any excitement over it. Even Linda Hamilton looks like she can barely stand up with all that gear.
I don't know how anyone can look at that pic and feel any excitement over it. Even Linda Hamilton looks like she can barely stand up with all that gear.

Agreed. This will most likely be horrible like the last 3 sequels. Those that said Linda looks "great" for her age need to get out more. :lol
I know it's been said before; just make a good movie. If there is an agenda that's being pushed, fine. Wrap it with a good story and interesting characters. I hate it when the agenda is the focal point. Perhaps the agenda isn't the focal point, but boy does it feel like it is lately.
The whole thing looks forced because not one person there looks like the belong with the other.

Well maybe they think it will capture an audience looking for different romances with the 3 lead "females" and the terminator is really a vibrator. "Cum with me if you want to live"
So at what point can we officially consider this film to be dead on arrival? :lol
Hopefully it's just a bad promo pic. She looks much more feminine in her on-set photos:

I'm not seeing it. If not for the obvious fact that she has female breasts she looks completely androgynous to me there. Which might not be bad depending on what they're going for. Mel Gibson had Satan played by an androgynous looking woman who was then dubbed by a man to give him an extra creepy off-kilter vibe and they could be going for something similar with this movie (hopefully.)