The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

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Cause SJWs always double down.

So far, audiences have responded with their wallets. After enough bombs, Hollywood MIGHT get the hint that we don't want to be preached at, just entertained.

I think Hamilton looks cool but the the androgynous character in the center just looks weird and the chick on the left looks like some precocious Disney Channel actress (despite her attempt at a frowny face) and doesn't look like she fits in with the Terminator franchise at all. I also don't like they grey/brown Terminator Salvation-esque color palette. Even Genysis knew the importance of applying Cameron's signature blue tint in order to have any hopes of it feeling like a "real" entry in the series.

You guys nailed it. That promo pic provides absolutely no incentive (for me) to go see the movie.

This will flop- not as hard as the last one but it will make something like $130 million domestic but it'll cost that and more to make. Franchise over.

The accountants have taken over 100% in Hollywood. It used to be that they understood that artistry always was the key ingredient for profits and thus, would allow the artists to do their thing. Now they feel they know better. Throw in the current out-of-control SJW syndrome and it's only gotten worse.

Here's my guess on Arnold's character. What if he is the actual human that the T-800 was/will be based on? Perhaps a partial cyborg? Would make for an interesting twist and allow him to "act his age", if you will.
I don't understand who they are targeting and how they expect this to be a hit.
Someone has convinced Hollywood the next big money sector is female nerds.

They are not totally wrong either.

The sheer increase in female “nerds” over the past 10 years is staggering.

We never had girls who liked SW or Marvel, DC or sci fi when I was growing up ( well there were some, but most wouldn’t admit it)

Now stores like Hot Topic, Target and even Macys targets these properties for girls.

And here is the big catch....these girls will be women soon, with kids.....and they want the mothers to have feel good movies with female leads...

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Someone has convinced Hollywood the next big money sector is female nerds.

They are not totally wrong either.

The sheer increase in female “nerds” over the past 10 years is staggering.

We never had girls who liked SW or Marvel, DC or sci fi when I was growing up ( well there were some, but most wouldn’t admit it)

Now stores like Hot Topic, Target and even Macys targets these properties for girls.

And here is the big catch....these girls will be women soon, with kids.....and they want the mothers to have feel good movies with female leads...

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

I'm not sure how much of that is attributed to actual interest. Being a "geek" is fashionable nowadays.
Hah, I didn't even notice the date.

Yeah the 3 links in the description are good - most of the music that isn't on the soundtrack including that music as the police arrive at Cyberdyne which I've never heard isolated from the film before or the short bit from ''an unknown future rolls towards us...'' ending.

I haven't listened all the way through though - surprised if there's still no canal chase music. What about the stuff from the Liquid Nitrogen truck chase? Not all of that is on the official soundtrack, or at least it's a different arrangement in the film...
Damn, they took it from me, A-Dev. :lol

And also: There´s a FULL SCORE out there, it just needs to be played and Python Blue´s almost done it.
I requested the "Tanker Chase" in comments and maybe he´ll do slight variations too, like "Galeria Battle" and "Trust Me"(without steel drums) into "War Against The Machines". Then we´d be set, pretty much and I could FINALLY give it my best and make a cover set.

Just to give you an idea, of what I can do (Why Mortal Kombat? Because those are the examples I currently have access too :wink1: ):








Maybe I hit him up and just ask if he´d be interested in joining and doing this project...
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I need to work out several things with him, as he wanted to know about legal obligations, but I don´t want it to be something for purchase. I want it to be rather open for everybody. Have to see how he reacts to this. But once it´s all done, it shouldn´t be a problem. Will keep you posted...
This is terrific news, well done Timo! :yess:

A complete T2 score really is the last grail for me as far as movie soundtracks. I can't think of anything else I've wanted for so long.
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That´s my proposal to him:

"Ok, so I don´t know if you like my proposal, but then again, it´s "just" that. What I would love to do with you is a full score as far as possible. I don´t know if you know a person named Maurice Hujis. He and a friend ripped the audio channels from the old Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition DVD, ripped the FX from it and mixed them back together to have a full score. Unfortunately those guys decided against sharing this and so this thing became a myth. No one knows if it´s real and since they don´t share it...that´s the state of it.
So what I propose:

You use your powers to recreate certain tunes and maybe cut them too. Like "War Against The Machines", which is I believe "Galleria Battle" and "Trust me" (without the steeldrum), The "Tanker Chase", including the bit where it´s shown what´s written on the tanker and maybe others, that we would communicate.

I then would start to make a full cover set. Front Cover in Booklet Format, with us in the credits, ackowledging of course Brad Fiedel on the front and inside, inlay behind the CD, CD layout and Tracklist. And the first thing that comes to mind as a title is:

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Definite Full Score
Music by Brad Fiedel"

But on the inside of course something like:
"Tracks 1-5 and 15-17 (just an example) - as included on Original Soundtrack
Tracks 6-14 - recreated by Python Blue

Tools used:"Blah Blah Blah"

Track Recreation (maybe, just for credit reasons): First name "Python Blue" last name
Original Artwork: Studio Canal
Cover set created by: Tim Kay

And then our logos on the back, together with Studio Canal and what not.

Just making it look genuine, but making it a thing for the fans.

I don´t know anything legally about any of this. I´m just a HUGE fan who wants a full score and you are our (the fandom) best shot. I don´t want to make money with it. I want to give the fandom the T2 score. That is all. I would be an honor if we would do it."

Shot him the pictures of my Mortal Kombat 2011 work and now I await his answer...