Nice review JYE, big jump up from n the first one for you.
You know Khev, it treaded there, and arrived at a certain point, but then would pull back.
It mixed 90 and modern and you know what, it worked.
Just wish that the villains had been better handled.
Maybe i'm being too hard on them, need another viewing.
You know Khev, it treaded there, and arrived at a certain point, but then would pull back.
It mixed 90 and modern and you know what, it worked.
Just wish that the villains had been better handled.
Maybe i'm being too hard on them, need another viewing.
So basically
Peter killed Gwen by
#1 putting her down on the gears
#2 Kicking Harry in the face, which caused the glider to come down and crash through the gears
I may be over-analyzing, but wouldn't someone smart enough to get into Oxford at least try to climb up the web while peter was stuck like that? Her arms didn't appear to be injured at all. It just seemed like a common sense move to make.
Sweet. I don't want every movie to try and be TWS. Some high-flying Spidey moments with some throwback 90's villains sounds like a fun way to spend a couple hours to me.![]()
I will say this, the theater erupted in applause at the end, I was right there with them.
One of the best, most inspirational ending scenes of any cbm.
You will cheer, the music swells to heroic proportions.
Welp, here is what I thought.
1. First scene: Yep. We're in Kurtzman & Orci blockbuster territory, alright.
2. Paul Giamatti!
3. So, Jamie Foxx is basically playing Jim Carrey as The Riddler from Batman Forever. How. Lame.
5. Moments between Garfield and Stone are decent because they seem genuine, but the territory covered by their relationship is the same that was covered in Raimi films.
6. Damn. The pacing of this movie is all over the place.
7. Harry Osborn, emo-style. In the comics, Harry Osborn slipped into illegal narcotic abuse to deal with his demons. Here, he dresses in black and slicks up his hair.
8. You know, one thing I will say is that they get the 'movement' of Spidey pretty right. His agility, etc. And the quips! Those are pretty on-point as well -- BUT since Peter Parker seems to be just as confident outside of his costume as he is inside of it, the whole element of the quips symbolizing the 'freedom' that Peter feels inside of the costume is completely lost.
9. Ah! A decent little Spidey moment here -- Spidey saving a kid from bullies, complimenting him on (and fixing) his mini wind turbine, and offering to walk him home so no other kids mess with him. That actually warmed my heart a little bit. Did not expect that.
10. Man, Marc Webb has no sense of pace. Some of these scenes drag on WAAAAAAAY too long.
11. I give him an A for effort, but Garfield just isn't Peter Parker, but he IS Spider-Man.
12. Already nearly an hour in and we're still introducing characters, still giving exposition. Still wondering what the hell this movie is about.
13. Chris Cooper just for that one scene? That's it? Waste.
14. 'Smythe'. 'Felicia'. Wink-wink.
15. There is an ENORMOUS amount of slo-mo/bullet time in this.
16. Today, I learned that Spider-Man is faster than an electrical current.
17. Electro, as done in this film, is extremely uncompelling.
18. The idea of having all of Spidey's world under the Oscorp umbrella it's dumb.
19. He's not setting the screen on fire or anything, but this Dane Dehaan kid has some chops.
20. Damn. I guess having and extremely showy battle between Electro and Spidey isn't enough -- we need to throw in a near-miss between two commercial planes just to be safe.
21. Behold the Green Goblin...again. Still not all that cool. Why can't they get this character right?
22. Well. One of the most important elements of the Spidey mythos has made it into a film. *This* film. Way to render it mostly ineffectual, guys. What. A. Waste.
23. I wonder how Gwen's death was explained to the cops...?
24. Why is Harry Osborn not telling people who Spider-Man is?
25. Paul Giamatti!!!! It was him for like three seconds.
26. AAAAAND that's it. We see no fight between Spidey and Rhino. Come back for the sequel.
Was everyone walking out the theater like this?
the thing I hate is that this movie feels like a trailer for the next movie. Like they couldn't focus on this one movie alone, they had to make a 2 hour trailer for the next movies. I HATE that.
Rhino should not have been in it, he was made literally for the trailers to hype up spiderman 3 and the sinister six movie. Goblin might have as well be an after credits scene to hype up the next movie.
Was everyone walking out the theater like this?
Well, their. plan worked, I want to see ASM3.
the thing I hate is that this movie feels like a trailer for the next movie. Like they couldn't focus on this one movie alone, they had to make a 2 hour trailer for the next movies. I HATE that.
Rhino should not have been in it, he was made literally for the trailers to hype up spiderman 3 and the sinister six movie. Goblin might have as well be an after credits scene to hype up the next movie.
Yeah, too many eggs.![]()
If they just focused on Dillon I think it would have been better off and less crammed.
Yea imagine if we got 6 villains in the next film it's going to be a disaster.
I will say this, the theater erupted in applause at the end, I was right there with them.
One of the best, most inspirational ending scenes of any cbm.
You will cheer, the music swells to heroic proportions.
Yea imagine if we got 6 villains in the next film it's going to be a disaster.