It was a good movie and thats it, it was a good movie. Nothing really amazing about it. I just dont like the whole parents thing at all, I thought I could try to like it but I just dont. The action scenes are great and the way spidey moves is the best we've ever scene in a spidey movie. They have the spiderman character down to a T in terms of how he should act and I like Garfield way more than maguire as I feel that garfield doesnt complain as much and enjoys being spiderman.
Yes the chemistry between Gwen and peter is the highlight of this film actually and thats what saddens me. The highlight of the film should be peter and the villians and not the love story. Electro was a very weak villain but man was he cool to look at even if the last fight scenes looked very video game.
Oh boy. Harry osborn. Dane is a great actor and if they were to make his skin green and put a purple hat on him he'd make a convincing goblin. He got the laugh and the voice right he just looked to much like a crack head.
The ending of this movie is the most inspirational ending in any superhero film. You can say this movie sucks but the ending is definatly telling you "With great power comes great responsibility" without even saying it. Its a fun movie and kids and the GA will love it but I just wanted a little bit more. Im just sick and tired of Spiderman getting the third wheel to the likes of thor and hawkeye.
Maybe if they didnt rush so much and try and build a universe for a solo hero franchise it would of been better. All this talk about sinister six and venom is like telling the people "hey i know spidey isnt in the avengers but we are basically we are gonna do the same thing marvel is doing".
Like I said its not a bad movie a all it just could of been so much better. if they would of focused on the villains and not the whole parent mystery thing it would of made for a better film.
Still a tearjerker and still an great comic book film thats entertaining and a good start to the summer but it aint the definitive spiderman movie. I'd rank this under sm2 but only because of the powerful ending scene and the gwen relationship.