The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014)

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X-Men Franchise: 3.5/6(X1 gets enough wrong that I have a somewhat difficult time watching it)
Spider-Man Franchise: 3/5
Avengers Franchise: 6/9(I am giving Thor: The Dark World a Pass. It's better than the first, but still not a good Thor film to me.)
X-Men Franchise: 3.5/6(X1 gets enough wrong that I have a somewhat difficult time watching it)
Spider-Man Franchise: 3/5
Avengers Franchise: 6/9(I am giving Thor: The Dark World a Pass. It's better than the first, but still not a good Thor film to me.)

I'm pretty much right there with you but I give a little more credit to the Avengers saga. I liked both Thor movies. I actually liked all of the movies with the Hulk and IM3 being the weakest... but still are ok
STM crap
89 Batman crap
BR crap
Blade 1 crap
X1 crap
X2 crap
S1 crap
S2 crap
BB crap
TDK crap
TDKR crap
XMFC crap
IM1 crap
IM2 crap
IM3 crap
TFA crap
TWS crap
Thor 1 crap
Thor 2 crap
Avengers crap
MOS crap
ASM 1 crap
ASM 2 crap
DOFP will be crap
GOTG will be crap
Avengers 2 will be crap
Antman will be crap
BvsS will be crap
Cap 3 will be crap
ASM 3 will be crap
Sinister 6 will be crap
Last edited:
^ ain't that the truth :lol

You all gonna sell your HT dolls?

STM crap
89 Batman crap
BR crap
Blade 1 crap
X1 crap
X2 crap
S1 crap
S2 crap
BB crap
TDK crap
TDKR crap
IM1 crap
IM2 crap
IM3 crap
TFA crap
TWS crap
Thor 1 crap
Thor 2 crap
Avengers crap
MOS crap
ASM 1 crap
ASM 2 crap
DOFP will be crap
GOTG will be crap
Avengers 2 will be crap
Antman will be crap
BvsS will be crap
Cap 3 will be crap
ASM 3 will be crap
Sinister 6 will be crap


You all gonna sell your HT dolls?

I'm so pissed off at Singer, Webb, and the ASM flicks that I just decided to burn mine
STM crap
89 Batman crap
BR crap
Blade 1 crap
X1 crap
X2 crap
S1 crap
S2 crap
BB crap
TDK crap
TDKR crap
IM1 crap
IM2 crap
IM3 crap
TFA crap
TWS crap
Thor 1 crap
Thor 2 crap
Avengers crap
MOS crap
ASM 1 crap
ASM 2 crap
DOFP will be crap
GOTG will be crap
Avengers 2 will be crap
Antman will be crap
BvsS will be crap
Cap 3 will be crap
ASM 3 will be crap
Sinister 6 will be crap

STM - Awesome
SII - Pretty good
SIII - Fun
SIV - Worst CBM
89 Batman - Pretty good
BR - Meh
BF - Fun
B&R - Crap
Blade 1 - Pretty Good
Blade II - Awesome
Blade III - Decent
X1 - Decent
X2 - Pretty Good
X3 - Meh
S1 - Decent
S2 - Awesome
S3 - Meh
BB - Pretty Good
TDK - Awesome
TDKR - Decent
IM1 - Awesome
IM2 -Meh
IM3 -Meh
TFA -Meh
TWS - Pretty Good
Thor 1 - Good
Thor 2 - Meh
Avengers - Decent
MOS - Decent
ASM 1 - Meh
ASM 2 - Meh
FC - Pretty Good
DOFP -Looks Decent
GOTG - Looks like garbage
Avengers 2 - Has to be better than the first.
Antman - Know nothing about character
BvsS - Will be Awesome
Cap 3 - Has momentum
ASM 3 - Polly will suck
Sinister 6 - Polly will suck
Well, after my botched attempt to catch this Saturday, I finally got to see it this morning.

The good:
To me, Garfield is Parker, it's not just the look, it's the heart. I know it seems small, but things like him rubbing aunt Mays temples while holding her, it's so freaking immersive. I know some people said they couldn't see Pete and Harry being close after all that time, but it seemed so real.

Jamie Foxx... I definitely see the comparison to Carey's Nygma character, but I definitely think Fox elevated it. It may have seemed like they wasted a lot of Foxx's talent on such a character, but I think the character could have been trash in other hands. I liked Foxx as Max, period.

Spidey.... OMG that suit and the action, the superfluous turns and twists that belong to someone with superhuman reflexes. I finally get the Spidey look I wanted matched with an awesome Parker.

A lot of small touches went into making this fun, Garfield's mannerisms as I mentioned above, but some of the small parts like the convenience store worker play webbing the gunman. The stuff with the little kid was very cool, even if a bit cheesy, I thought the humor shown by Spider-Man was great, I really didn't understand the criticism, and I've read a lot of it saying the comedy was misplaced or bad.

The Neutral:
Slow-mo... As cool as the scene was with the electrified handrails, this was overused in the Max showdown, I think they should have just let the action roll like they did with the Goblin.

Rhino... looked surprisingly good onscreen, but unless they greatly refine him, he's just a waste of space. It's a mech, not a Spidey villain. I'm glad for people who thought it was cool, but that suit should stay in iron man movies.

Pseudo Goblin.... Right before he showed up, when DeHaan cackled, it took me back to the goblin from the early cartoon series, the problem is the acne issue looks very much like they're afraid to embrace the goblin. I did like his suit and glider though. I'd be very happy if they keep him as is and have him mutate green. I don't need the purple hat, just a better face. :lol

The Bad:
Electro... His cgi was bad or just cheesy, especially in the final battle, I just didn't think it did the character justice, especially the glowing pink brain crap. Just seems like he could have been handled a little better. Every face closeup looked horrible. His suit was pretty cool, it actually had more contrast to it than I expected, but this wasn't enough, he should have wore a bag on his head.

JJJ... really? An email reply is all we get? Un- ****ing -believable. I'll tie this complaint into the continuing stupid sub story of dad being an international man of mystery. So much cool stuff, but the powers that be need to tighten this **** up. Really just keep it simple and concentrate on what works. They made a good movie, but this thing could have fish tailed into SM3 territory with its bloat.
STM - Alright
SII - Awful
SIII - Awful
SIV - Awful
89 Batman - Damn good
BR - bad movie
BF - Crap
B&R - Pile of ****
Blade 1 - Pretty Good
Blade II - Don't really care for it
Blade III - Never saw it
X1 - Decent
X2 - Good
X3 - Bad
S1 - Good
S2 - Hated it
S3 - Hated it
BB - Damn good
TDK - Awesome
TDKR - Awesome
IM1 - Awesome
IM2 -Sold movie
IM3 -Rolls eyes terrible
TFA -Good
TWS - Good very overrated
Thor 1 - Good
Thor 2 - Ok
Avengers - Overated but enjoy it terrible plot
MOS - Good movie
ASM 1 - Good movie
ASM 2 - Good but very messy
FC - Overated love the Charles and Erik stuff
DOFP -Looks ok
GOTG - Looks like fun
Avengers 2 - Not really hyped
Antman - font care for it
BvsS - Looking forward to it
Cap 3 - Don't care for it
ASM 3 - Don't care for it
Sinister 6 - Don't care
Marvel studios films- Pretty good for the most part but get to much praise for being Meh movies. I enjoy these films but they arent the best thing to happen to movies since sliced bread

Xmen films- This is up and down for me. I love xmen and was severely disappointed with 3 like everyone else. I sorta enjoyed the first wolverine movie and the second and loved first class. I cant wait to see where the franchise goes from here.

Spiderman films- I love spiderman to death and wil always hold the first two high as some of the best comic book movies ive ever witnessed on the big screen. I was off about the reboot but decided to give it a go since its spidey. the first movie was nothing new and felt very rushed to me while the second movie felt like spiderman was in a movie for the first time in a while but sadly everything surrounding the character was lacking and wasnt as good as I wanted it to be. Im very skeptical about the future of this franchise. i dont like that Spiderman is under meh hero's like thor, hawkeye and others. I want him to be the flagship again and I dont think thats gonna happen as long as he's with sony. people just wont accept a world building universe for a single character.
STM - Classic title performance, classic music, film a bit dated, inevitably. Still my preferred approach to Superman.
SII - Again, Reeve is great. And I love Stamp's Zod, great lines. Film also inevitably dated.
SIII - only saw it once years ago, can't remember much
SIV - not even sure if I've seen this at all
89 Batman - Damn good. Maybe dated in some ways too but I far prefer the fantasy world it set up to Nolan's.
BR - Also damn good. Went further with the fantasy but I don't disregard it in Burton's canon like some
BF - some decent stuff but I would have preferred a third Burton film
B&R - Have seen only about twice. Might be good if I think of it as a 60s throwback
Blade 1 - Ok, not really a fan though.
Blade II - I thought this was better as I recall
Blade III - Saw it about once, thought it was forgettable
X1 - Good
X2 - Very good
X3 - Some big fails but also had a lot of good stuff IMO
S1 - Good
S2 - Best Spidey film
S3 - Also has some big fails but some good stuff too
BB - very good but tired of it at the moment
TDK - very good but tired of it at the moment
TDKR - a big let down after the other two
IM1 - Pretty good
IM2 - decent
IM3 - decent
TFA - Pretty good
TWS - Haven't seen yet
Thor 1 - decent
Thor 2 - only Ok
Avengers - Very good, immense fun
MOS - some good stuff in it but overall just not what I wanted from a Superman film, some awful writing and scene placement
ASM 1 - Decent
ASM 2 - Need to see again but probably just 'decent' like the first. Certainly no better.
FC - Very good
DOFP - looking forward to it bigtime, trailers have done their job for me
GOTG - I dunno, I know nothing about these guys really
Avengers 2 - too early to be majorly hyped but I'll get there
Antman - also know nothing about
BvsS - Looking forward to it, but count me very much among the sceptics
Cap 3 - Can't say much having yet to see the 2nd one
ASM 3 - No confidence in it really, I expect 'decent' at best
Sinister 6 - Too early to care but also wouldn't have much confidence in it
Just came back from the movie. Here's my two cents:

The Good:

The Cast
Andrew Garfield as Spiderman/Peter Parker
Spiderman scenes
Spiderman Costume
Green Goblin "costume"/design and acting
Gwen Stacy's death scene

The Bad

Too convoluted - They need to trim some serious fat out of this movie. The whole thing with the parents was completely unnecessary and as if that wasn't enough, it went NO WHERE in the end.
Too much pointless stuff, for example: Was that whole plane drama really necessary? It added NOTHING to the movie, other than more clutter.
Not enough Spiderman
Too slow at times - relationship with Gwen
WAY too fast at times - Harry going from friend to Green Goblin
Unnecessary introduction of Green Goblin in this movie- they could have saved that for the next.
(Small pet-peeve): Guy is killing people with electricity, guy in mechanical suit is shooting missiles and people just stand around and watch- Run for your lives, fools!

The main downfall was that there was too much crammed in this movie, for my taste. It would have made a great movie if they had taken out most of the parents stuff, take off half the back-and-forth romance with Gwen and expand the Harry Osborn character without going full Green Goblin (which they just undone in the end, anyway).

Ah, I'm disappointed. 4/10