Sony will "right the ship" again. Despite not drawing as much as they may have projected, Spider-man is one of their HUGE draws and Sony movie studios has been losing major money as of late. They're better off keeping Spider-man and just devoting more time and energy to POLISH,PACING AND DEVELOPMENT on the next movies. I liked ASM2 A LOT but I can't deny its flaws.
Plus, MARVEL STUDIOS is DROOLING to get their poster boy back. And considering their monster success, Sony doesn't want to drop a proven franchise draw into the growing MCU. Spider-man + The Avengers? WINNING.
The only way I see Sony losing Spider-man in the near future is if they re-re-negotiate a deal to "co-produce" movies with Marvel Studios. Therefore introducing Spider-man into the MCU and obtaining profits but letting the House of Ideas handle most of the leg-work. They had recently re-negotiated their Spider-man/Marvel deal in order to ensure that Marvel gets merchandising profits while Sony retains movie rights, production control and movie profits. This shows a better relationship between Marvel/Disney and Sony than what Marvel/Disney has with Fox's X-Men and upcoming Fantastic Four.
Considering Sony's movie studio troubles, the struggle with Amazing Spider-man 2, and their relationship with Marvel Studios, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that Spider-man can make his way into the MCU if Sony doesn't get serious about correcting the franchise's character-crowding and pacing issues.
I think the chances of righting this ship have sailed at this point.
Considering what they spent on this film, I can't even imagine what they were projecting it would make.
The time for course correction should have been after ASM. Once they saw that that film didn't wow audiences, they should have acted then. Instead, they spent more money, kept the same production team in place, and rolled the dice.
Not a great plan for your biggest franchise.
And I really don't see how Marvel Studios is drooling to get Spidey back. D/M will probably end up making more money than Sony on ASM2, and they didn't spend a dime. If anything, I'm sure they're hoping Sony makes another one ASAP.
I also don't see what D/M has to gain by co-financing/co-producing a film with Sony. Why would they do that? Invest in a sequel to a movie that's considered bad? What would be D/M's upside? Being able to shoehorn Spidey in Avengers 3? That hardly seems worth it.
No, Sony's on their own here. Sink or swim.
As it stands now, these films will most likely be remembered as the "Schumacher era" of the series, and just like Batman before him, Spidey would be better off if he was put to bed.
Give it 8 years. Give the fans a chance to miss him, and let him come back stronger than ever.
Unfortunately for Sony though, they can't do that. So they either roll the dice again or let him go.
Those are their only two choices.