Super Freak
One can hope. One can hope 
Hypotheticly, IF marvel got Spider-man back, lets say, tomorrow, the BEST thing to do, would be to put him in the background of the other marvel studios projects. In avengers 2 or 3, IF any of it takes place in new york, have him swing by in the background. Or, if we get another massive battle, like we did in avengers, have him help out here and there, throw out a quip, and let that be it. 2-4 minites of screentime total, as a teaser.
Have him make a guest appearence on the Netflix TV show in ONE episode.
Put a Daily bugle newspaper on tony stark's desk, or have a news article on his computer that has a Picture of spidey with the caption " Threat Or Menace? An editorial by J Jonah Jameson. " Snd have the avengers a little curious about this new hero, but leave him alone. one or two throw away lines along the lines of
" Have you seen this new guy? Weird costume. " or something like that as an exchange between, say, Cap and Tony while they walk somewhere. Filler dialoge that's only purpose is to establish he exists now.
THEN after doing that in a few movies, we get a new Spidey picture. Have it start with him Already Established. He's already a super hero. Should we do an origin story in the picture? Sure, Do it as a 15 minite flashback. we don't need a full hour dedicated to it.
And the BIG kicker? Make spidey the hero that the younger auidence relates to. ACTUALY CAST a 15 year old KID to be him in the movie. Daniel Ratcliff kinda proved good child actors are out there, and he was 11. a good 15 year old can't be too hard to find. Don't cast him till the movie, just get whoever to play him and voice him in all the appearences leading up to his big reveal in his own movie. It could work, and be pretty awesome.
Ehhh. you're CLOSE... but not quite.
Spidey is the guy who embodies the idea of " nice guys finish last" He does the right thing, he goes out of his way for everyone else, and no matter what, He just can't catch a break. He misses dates, he forgets birthday parties, he gets sick. Bad things happen, and no good deed goes unpunished. Stan Lee has said on several occasions that he wrote peter parker to be referential of his personal life growing up. and one of the importan things was try as he might, he NEVER gets the girl, untill it's THE girl.
10 years ago who would believe anyone who would tell you Iron Man and Cap will trump Spidey at the box office?
Hell, I wouldn't even have believed that the franchise would be put in such inept hands that they couldn't introduce JJJ over the course of 2 movies.
I do agree that love interests have been a focal point of Spidey since the beginning, but they need a good superhero story to pair it with. I can't complain about the love interest since Pete and Gwen have been the best of the reboot, just want a stronger, even 'epic' villain story as well.
10 years ago who would believe anyone who would tell you Iron Man and Cap will trump Spidey at the box office?
Hell, I wouldn't even have believed that the franchise would be put in such inept hands that they couldn't introduce JJJ over the course of 2 movies.
I do agree that love interests have been a focal point of Spidey since the beginning, but they need a good superhero story to pair it with. I can't complain about the love interest since Pete and Gwen have been the best of the reboot, just want a stronger, even 'epic' villain story as well.
Ehhh. you're CLOSE... but not quite.
Spidey is the guy who embodies the idea of " nice guys finish last" He does the right thing, he goes out of his way for everyone else, and no matter what, He just can't catch a break. He misses dates, he forgets birthday parties, he gets sick. Bad things happen, and no good deed goes unpunished. Stan Lee has said on several occasions that he wrote peter parker to be referential of his personal life growing up. and one of the importan things was try as he might, he NEVER gets the girl, untill it's THE girl.
The 2003 HULK film was far better than 2008's gamma soaked roid rage Calvin Klein clothing model, complete with Tim Roth's equally stupid toilet monster.
I'll take Ang Lee's version - including crazy Nick Nolte's fart cloud beast, over it any day.![]()
Marketing costs killed ASM2, not the movie itself. Sony need to look at what they did and learn a lesson. Not only was it audience fatigue by the time it was released, but the crazy amount of marketing and PR really damaged the profit margins.
Hypotheticly, IF marvel got Spider-man back,.
Bad movie was bad. Get over it.
Feel like I'm the only person who like 08 hulk. To me he looked much better than avengers hulk and 03 hulk.
And Marvel aren't getting him back. Get over that.
Really? you work for sony and know that for a fact?
We don't know. and my prior post was more a what if/ how could they go about fixing him sooner rather than later concept.
But, we get it, you're gay for garfield. it's ok, you're allowed to like bad films.
That dosn't make them good.
Good-natured Teasing aside. you DO see the issues with the film, beyond just the marketing mis-spending, yes?
The Lack of a real, coherent plot replaced by " Stuff happening all over". The way the film feels more like a 2 hour trailer than an actual movie.
Yes, I'll agree it had tremendusly stunning visuals, nd Garfield and stone have tremendous chemistry, but that's really all it had going for it.
X-men first class was a much better picture.
Good-natured Teasing aside. you DO see the issues with the film, beyond just the marketing mis-spending, yes?
The Lack of a real, coherent plot replaced by " Stuff happening all over". The way the film feels more like a 2 hour trailer than an actual movie.
Yes, I'll agree it had tremendusly stunning visuals, nd Garfield and stone have tremendous chemistry, but that's really all it had going for it.
X-men first class was a much better picture.
I don't know why you quoted what I posted, but....okayTo be fair Iron man movies feel more like a fad and captain america was just a pretty good movie so it deserved the money. I never thought spiderman was the leader of marvel, i always thought captain america was the leader in the marvel comics so thats pretty fitting. Spiderman is still doing fin in every other medium while iron man and cap are only in the movies. Who knows.