Broke and happy
Nope, he's junk.
700 million plus dvd, TV and ancillary sales means ****.
1.5 billion or GTFO.
700 million plus dvd, TV and ancillary sales means ****.
1.5 billion or GTFO.

Whao wait a minute now. Spiderman is not box office poison. It can still hold its own, it didnt make much becuase the poor choices of sony. Spiderman still is a money maker.
Two subpar Hulk movies back to back didn't prevent him from being a fan favorite in The Avengers. If Marvel got Spidey back they could make him a star again.
I agree, but don't you think time would have to play a factor in that?
Marvel would have to build him back up, and right now they couldn't do that.
I think they could do one right now, they would stay away from overusing the slow motion or keep bashing you over and over that peter and Gwen love eachother. Those were my gripes with ASM2. No pun intended but it slowed the movie down to much for my taste.
I think with the right plot that just carries the movie from one point to another, and just doesnt slow down, kinda what cap 2 did until the big finale, that would make a very entertaining movie. Average moviegoers thought Cap was mediocre till WS, now they're like, ok he's kinda bad@$$.
Heck, throw Spidey in a Secret Wars movie and get the Venom origin right![]()
Some problems PP has, every hot chick wants to sleep with him.![]()
I think they could too, but would it be worth the risk?
It would be easier to just make a new Hulk film, now that he's a fan favorite.
Or even a charactor that's never had a film yet. At least that way, the audience wouldn't have any pre-conceived notions.
It would be nice to get a Spidey movie that doesn't have a love story as it's central plot.
The 2003 HULK film was far better than 2008's gamma soaked roid rage Calvin Klein clothing model, complete with Tim Roth's equally stupid toilet monster.Two subpar Hulk movies back to back didn't prevent him from being a fan favorite in The Avengers.
The 2003 HULK film was far better than 2008's gamma soaked roid rage Calvin Klein clothing model, complete with Tim Roth's equally stupid toilet monster.
I'll take Ang Lee's version - including crazy Nick Nolte's fart cloud beast, over it any day.![]()
Nope, he's junk.
700 million plus dvd, TV and ancillary sales means ****.
1.5 billion or GTFO.![]()
Two subpar Hulk movies back to back didn't prevent him from being a fan favorite in The Avengers. If Marvel got Spidey back they could make him a star again.
I agree, but don't you think time would have to play a factor in that?
Marvel would have to build him back up, and right now they couldn't do that.
Hypotheticly, IF marvel got Spider-man back, lets say, tomorrow, the BEST thing to do, would be to put him in the background of the other marvel studios projects. In avengers 2 or 3, IF any of it takes place in new york, have him swing by in the background. Or, if we get another massive battle, like we did in avengers, have him help out here and there, throw out a quip, and let that be it. 2-4 minites of screentime total, as a teaser.
Have him make a guest appearence on the Netflix TV show in ONE episode.
Put a Daily bugle newspaper on tony stark's desk, or have a news article on his computer that has a Picture of spidey with the caption " Threat Or Menace? An editorial by J Jonah Jameson. " Snd have the avengers a little curious about this new hero, but leave him alone. one or two throw away lines along the lines of
" Have you seen this new guy? Weird costume. " or something like that as an exchange between, say, Cap and Tony while they walk somewhere. Filler dialoge that's only purpose is to establish he exists now.
THEN after doing that in a few movies, we get a new Spidey picture. Have it start with him Already Established. He's already a super hero. Should we do an origin story in the picture? Sure, Do it as a 15 minite flashback. we don't need a full hour dedicated to it.
And the BIG kicker? Make spidey the hero that the younger auidence relates to. ACTUALY CAST a 15 year old KID to be him in the movie. Daniel Ratcliff kinda proved good child actors are out there, and he was 11. a good 15 year old can't be too hard to find. Don't cast him till the movie, just get whoever to play him and voice him in all the appearences leading up to his big reveal in his own movie. It could work, and be pretty awesome.
Sorry, I don't follow.This sounds like dirty talk on a sex hotline![]()
Sorry, I don't follow.
LOL ok, that i get. I just try to keep it simple for the simple people. TRy to make things easy to follow, Ya dig?