Now that I finally saw this on Blu Ray, I was kind of disappointed how they handled the Gwen Stacey death. As a comic fan I knew it was evident, because it's a part of spidey history, but I felt sorry for the little kids or people who don't follow the comics, I think they ruined it early on that something was going to happen to Gwen with showing her father's ghost and then the whole Gwen going to London, leaving Peter someway hinted too much. I'm pretty sure people knew she was going to die by the middle of the film.
I also was annoyed by the fact that Hollywood had to tie everything to Oscorp. Max, Rhino, Richard Parker working for Osborne etc. Why couldn't they give everybody a separate storyline like in the comics.
Now the one thing I loved was the Spidey suit in the film. Man did they finally got it right. It looked fantastic and an absolute vessel to just work with in upcoming spidey films. They nailed the basic design now they can just improve on it.
I might not like Garfield, still don't, but he does a convincing spidey personality pretty well. I actually believed him cracking the jokes this time then in ASM. Maybe Garfield just needed to evolve in the roll.
The whole harry transforming into a an actual Goblin was bizarre, but I guess they got the idea from the Ultimate Spider-man. I just thought he looked awful, but I guess Raimi's version wasn't any better. But Dehann has nothing on Willem Dafoe
The rest of the film is meh and what a horrible ending for Electro he just explodes with no resolve of the character. No final lines? Or did I miss something.
All in all they need to get another director or sony needs to sell the rights back to Marvel and have Marvel films bring back the franchise.