I doubt Marvel Studios would do any better.
I agree! Said no one....

I doubt Marvel Studios would do any better.
For the record, I don't think they are responsible for the best comic films of the last decade, but they are more consistently good than any other studio doing comic movies.I doubt Marvel Studios would do any better.
I finally saw this for the first time today. Now, Spiderman has always been my fav superhero, but I basically saw what I expected. Another meh Spiderman movie. The problem isn't Garfield. Foxx was ok and a lot of the slo-mo action is very cool, but the writing is bad, the story is not interesting in the least bit. I actually thought Foxx would have been the worst part of the film, but the Osbourne, daddy Parker, and Rhino stuff didn't mesh at all. I felt 0 suspense, even when Gwen died, I didn't really feel much. The villains have almost always been bad in every Spidey film except maybe the original number 2. It's really a shame that all the Spidey movies are on the bottom of Marvel totem pole and it's not even close to me.
MCU is the everlasting sky. "Grounded" movies live beneath it.
I doubt Marvel Studios would do any better.
Thor is probably the most grounded Marvel movie
Those are very valid points, and I can completely understand why you wouldn't like them, but I don't think that was the focus of Spider-man 2. Either way, it is very campy and the characters lacking depth are reasonable turn offs. The villains and underwhelming plots are the biggest reasons why I wasn't the biggest fan of the Marvel movies, so I'm curious, what are your favorites of the batch?
Well in fairness, "grounded" WB/DC still had the dildo ships and dragons.
it's really a shame that all the Spidey movies are on the bottom of Marvel totem pole.
Nam makes a good point about the villains in ASM 2, though Marvel Studios also has some pretty evil, unsympathetic villains (Red Skull, Stane, Malekith, Ronan). I think the problem with ASM 2 was that they seemed to want to make at least Harry and Elektro sympathetic characters on some level, and failed because they did odd things like making Elektro seem like a comedic character at times instead of a tragic one, and glossing over Harry's relationship with Peter in a way that didn't feel natural to the narrative being told. When Marvel tries to make a villain sympathetic, or at least to make the audience understand how they became corrupted (Loki, Vanko, Pierce) they usually do a good job.