The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014)

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It was so ****ing dark. Dematteis and Zeck were a great team, and that story was no exception, but I just wouldn't care to see it. Besides, to set that up you would need to really establish Kraven beforehand, and realistically I don't see a Spidey movie franchise that will: A) build up Kraven enough to the point where Last Hunt would have the dramatic effect it is supposed to; and B) then revisit that character again where he is the primary (or sole) antagonist in the film. I could imagine it if we had a Spidey tv series.

Actually it really wouldn't be that hard and really, I wouldn't put it past them. Remember they tried to sell that Harry and Peter had been friends for decades. While that failed, something as simple as showing a scene of Kraven in Africa, killing a huge lion, having his entourage claiming to tourists that he's the world's best, Kraven claiming he's hunted everything to the point of boredom and then catching a news blurb about Spider-Man would easily sell it.
Oh sure, it could be done badly/ineffectively if they really chose to. Your suggestion would definitely work to set up the first Kraven encounter, though, and could work well considering that's pretty much how he was first introduced in the comics.
Oh sure, it could be done badly/ineffectively if they really chose to. Your suggestion would definitely work to set up the first Kraven encounter, though, and could work well considering that's pretty much how he was first introduced in the comics.

You've got a point, the current team making Spidey movies would make the story a huge fail.
Saw this again for the 3 - 4th time the other night. It holds up well for me. I like Jamie Foxx more and more. Garfield and Stone's chemistry is every bit as impressive as the first time I saw it.

Don't care for crazy Ravencroft doctor and still struggling with Paul Giamatti's over-the-top performance as Alexsei. It's a comic book movie though. I get it.

Also don't care for the Roosevelt train scene. And wished for a better soundtrack.

All in all, that's about the extent you'll see me critiquing this movie. :lol I really enjoyed it.
Saw this again for the 3 - 4th time the other night. It holds up well for me. I like Jamie Foxx more and more. Garfield and Stone's chemistry is every bit as impressive as the first time I saw it.

Don't care for crazy Ravencroft doctor and still struggling with Paul Giamatti's over-the-top performance as Alexsei. It's a comic book movie though. I get it.

Also don't care for the Roosevelt train scene. And wished for a better soundtrack.

All in all, that's about the extent you'll see me critiquing this movie. :lol I really enjoyed it.

They would make it about Kraven's parents


Either that or he'd be genetically altered by OSCORP to hunt the bipedal Cougars and we'd get him in a Cheetah print leisure suit. :p

True, they'd probably cast Will Smith as Kraven and if Garfield gets his way MJ will be played by a dude.

Won't be the least bit surprised when this happens. :lol
I bet you're thrilled he's directing SW now. :lol

No I'm not worried there. He is himself more of a Star Wars fan than a Star Trek fan. He probably didn't give much of a damn what kind of nonsensical contradictory canon-screwing crap was being written for Star Trek and he just shot it. With Star Wars, I'd say he cares...about the original films anyway.

I didn't even know this movie was out on DVD/Blu-Ray, so I watched it a couple days ago. It seems like every movie thread I see-people that really like a movie leave the thread early on, but people that hate the movie never leave. I don't get it! :lol

There's so much I like in this movie, but too many plots, tonal shifts, and poor writing brings it down. One of the most iconic scenes in Spider-man history was adapted, and it was shoehorned in at the last second. For everything I like about the movie, it's like they always found away to screw it up. As soon as I started to get invested in a scene they switch to another subplot. LET ME LOVE YOU!

It feels like Marc Webb really likes the character, but he wants to be respectful to the Raimi films, and it's hurting him. It reminded me of when I was in elementary school, trying so hard not to plagiarize when doing a research report, and I would constantly make unnatural changes. I'm assuming Mary Jane will be in the next movie, so I think Webb should make Peter's relationship with her the focus, since that seems to be his strength. When reading a lot of early Marvel comics, I never really cared about the villain, and more about the hero's personal lives. Heck, you guys were talking about X-Men. Until the Phoenix saga, I could care less about the evil mutants-GET BACK TO PLAYING SPORTS! I'm just kidding!

Here's hoping the next movies are good. I'm going to be optimistic! I'm not a big action fan, but I love watching how incredibly animated Spidey's movements are. The way he crawled on the Lizard so fluidly in the first movie made my draw drop! I haven't been on this thread, but I'm hoping that's been a positive for fans!
Oh sure, it could be done badly/ineffectively if they really chose to. Your suggestion would definitely work to set up the first Kraven encounter, though, and could work well considering that's pretty much how he was first introduced in the comics.

You've got a point, the current team making Spidey movies would make the story a huge fail.

I doubt Marvel Studios would do any better.