The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I think it's a mistake to do the origin again, we have to go through the whole Uncle Ben thing too?

But the Spidey-view was kind of cool - was game like, but still fun.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I dont care. That trailer was epic and I'm in the spidey hype again !!!. Wow The pov was excellent. Who cares if we see the uncle ben thing again. it doesnt matter to me this is pure gold right here.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man


"Screw you guys. I'm going home."


Hey man, I'll be watching this movie @ opening night!
Spidey is my favorite Super Hero!!

It was a crappy bootleg video, I'm sure it will look cooler in theaters anyway... :wave
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

yah i am very impressed, the Spiderman trailer looked fantastic!!! I think people have learned from Nolan how to really make a compelling Comic Book Movie....
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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Wow, this film keeps getting more epic. I liked the POV part. I'm sure kids will like it cause they all wanna be spider-man. Hell, I wanna be spider-man!:lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I think it's a mistake to do the origin again, we have to go through the whole Uncle Ben thing too?

But the Spidey-view was kind of cool - was game like, but still fun.

Indeed. We all know the origin, just fast-forward already.

Saw the trailer and I liked it. I'm wondering what they'll do with the parents plot and I didn't mind the POV part. Just hope that was for the trailer and won't be in the film though.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

The origin story was told when I was 9 years old. They are gonna tell it again for a new generation of kids. I think we all forget how old the Raimi's are.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Hey man, I'll be watching this movie @ opening night!
Spidey is my favorite Super Hero!!

It was a crappy bootleg video, I'm sure it will look cooler in theaters anyway... :wave

Just giving you a hard time via the computer until I can meet you in person. :1-1:
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

the Raimi films will go down like how Joel Schumchaer killed the Batman franchise in the 90s.

I used to love Spiderman, but the Raimi films just killed it for me.

This is sort of like the Nolan-esque resurrection of Spiderman. I HOPE ITS AWESOME!!!
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

It's a reboot. I'm not shocked they are doing the origin again, using anything Raimi wouldn't nullify the idea of a reboot. I fully expect the new Batman franchise after Nolan to do some sort of origin too.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

It does feel darker and I kinda like that. The POV will look better in a hires trailer.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

the Raimi films will go down like how Joel Schumchaer killed the Batman franchise in the 90s.

I used to love Spiderman, but the Raimi films just killed it for me.

This is sort of like the Nolan-esque resurrection of Spiderman. I HOPE ITS AWESOME!!!

That first Raimi flick is as close as you'll ever see to Spidey coming right off of the comic page into live-action. He hit every beat of that origin story spot-on perfect, and completely captured the vibe of the classic comics. I'm not a fan of the Raimi sequels, but that first one is pure Spidey.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

the Raimi films will go down like how Joel Schumchaer killed the Batman franchise in the 90s.

Oh come on.

I won't rip on this film, because I haven't seen it yet. Part of me wants to tear it down because of the reboot nature and the fact that I really loved the first two Spider-Man films, I can admit that. BUT that just wouldn't be right because this film, despite the costume, might be very well done.

But then there's one extreme to another. The original Spider-Man films were and are FINE. Go down like Batman and Robin? What the hell? That's hardly the case. Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 were the cream of the crop back in the day. NOBODY bashed them in 2002-2006. It wasn't until Spider-Man 3 didn't meet people's expectations (and after that first teaser and SM 2 the bar was set HIGH) that people felt spite towards the series.

Now with the reboot, you get this feeling that it's clearly bandwagon jumping. NEW SPIDER-MAN FILM, WOOT, WOOT TIME TO JUMP ON. So that makes everything before it suck? No.

Yeah, everyone has opinions but saying the older films are awful when they clearly weren't (I never remember people ripping on them like they are now) just pisses me off. I know they're just movies, but come the ____ on.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Oh come on.

I won't rip on this film, because I haven't seen it yet. Part of me wants to tear it down because of the reboot nature and the fact that I really loved the first two Spider-Man films, I can admit that. BUT that just wouldn't be right because this film, despite the costume, might be very well done.

But then there's one extreme to another. The original Spider-Man films were and are FINE. Go down like Batman and Robin? What the hell? That's hardly the case. Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 were the cream of the crop back in the day. NOBODY bashed them in 2002-2006. It wasn't until Spider-Man 3 didn't meet people's expectations (and after that first teaser and SM 2 the bar was set HIGH) that people felt spite towards the series.

Now with the reboot, you get this feeling that it's clearly bandwagon jumping. NEW SPIDER-MAN FILM, WOOT, WOOT TIME TO JUMP ON. So that makes everything before it suck? No.

Yeah, everyone has opinions but saying the older films are awful when they clearly weren't (I never remember people ripping on them like they are now) just pisses me off. I know they're just movies, but come the ____ on.

sorry my friend, i just hated them. thought Tobey was terrible at delivering his lines through all of the movies. i saw #1 & #2 back when they came out and i barely made it through #2. So i never saw #3 until the other day when it was on TV. I shut it off after about 30 min into it. thought they wasted the Green Goblin back in #1. didnt like his costume.

its my opinion, i just didnt like their approach, the special effects, the campy-ness of any of them...i like darker films with a more realistic take on comic books. the original Supermans #1&2, and the Nolan Batman films is what i want in a comic book movie...

but thats me, i didnt like these films back then, its my own personal taste.

And some people love the Schumacher Batman's. and thats fine if they do.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

the Raimi films will go down like how Joel Schumchaer killed the Batman franchise in the 90s.

I used to love Spiderman, but the Raimi films just killed it for me.

This is sort of like the Nolan-esque resurrection of Spiderman. I HOPE ITS AWESOME!!!

More like the Batman 89 to the new Batman Trilogy. It's an awesome piece of film. And at it's time the best superhero movie(s) ever released.