The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

sorry my friend, i just hated them. thought Tobey was terrible at delivering his lines through all of the movies. i saw #1 & #2 back when they came out and i barely made it through #2. So i never saw #3 until the other day when it was on TV. I shut it off after about 30 min into it. thought they wasted the Green Goblin back in #1. didnt like his costume.

its my opinion, i just didnt like their approach, the special effects, the campy-ness of any of them...i like darker films with a more realistic take on comic books. the original Supermans #1&2, and the Nolan Batman films is what i want in a comic book movie...

but thats me, i didnt like these films back then, its my own personal taste.

And some people love the Schumacher Batman's. and thats fine if they do.

Difabio and Zach are right you know, Spidey 1 and 2 were (and still are) universally considered as very well made Superhero movies.

It's also universally understood that 3 is knowhere as close to the quality of 1 and 2.

So yes, while we are all entitled to our own opinions, comprehending what is universally understood by most of your peers is equally important when one chooses to make public their opinions.

If I come out and say that Batman needs to be rebooted after Nolan is finished with them for reasons 1,2 and 3, I will make such statement knowing very well that BB and TDK are considered triple A quality filmaking, that just so happened to be Superhero movies, yet had run their course because the director felt he had told his story as best he could and it was time to give someone else a chance at telling their version of Batman.


So yeah, I agree with you, i'm up for a Spidey reboot :hi5:
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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

The POV shot at the end was good in my opinion, but it reminded me far too much of the Mirror's Edge game. It looked exactly like it but with Spider-Man instead of Faith.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

The POV shot at the end was good in my opinion, but it reminded me far too much of the Mirror's Edge game. It looked exactly like it but with Spider-Man instead of Faith.

It's probably the last shot of the movie before the credits role a la SM1
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

ok yah, sorry for the confusion i didnt mean Superman #1 & 2 were dark (although #2 has some darker elements to them), in my comments i said a more "realistic approach" which is what i meant referring to Superman #1 & 2. those Superman worlds had a lot of realism to them especially at the time they came out starting in the late 70s.

and i was writing quickly so i left out some words, so what i meant to say is that I like darker movies, and I like a more realistic approach to Comic Book movies like Nolan has done with Batman....

now yes, Spidey 1&2 were definitely by far better than #3. and they are atleast entertaining movies that you can atleast watch unlike say the Schumacher Batman's which are painful to watch.

But i just wasnt a huge fan of them as i was hoping to be. i dont think the stories were compelling enough. Just didnt believe in the actors enough, they all seemed really cold to me.

ill admit i overstated my dislike for them by comparing them to Schumachers Batman's. But i think they now have a chance to do a more compelling story, more character driven, with some better acting, and a little less CGI with the new Reboot.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Oh fairplay. :peace

Just seemed a few people were so quick to slate it because it is derivitave when most things are these days anyway.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Spider-Man isnt a dark he?

I'll just watch the first movie over and over.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man
