The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Just saw the trailer. Looks more like a Twilight movie than Spider-Man (maybe they're trying to cross over, who knows.)

Yeah, I was getting that vibe from the still of him from behind and after watching the got a little stronger.

But I am still hoping, because there were a few spots that looked pretty good.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I just like the Pov. imo its much better than tdkr teaser tho.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I think the biggest reason is because it shows a lot more then a normal superhero teaser usually does. Where as TDKRs teaser is just letting the general audience know that another Batman is coming. While at the same time giving us 3 shots to obsess over. People who were expecting more got let down and the people who were thinking it would be a couple lines if dialogue were surprised and liked it.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Yea the part where peter was sparkling in the sun was stupid and not needed, I also Think that the Mj should choose venom over spiderman since venom was there for mary jane when spidey left new york. Team Venom All the way! I cant wait to see the scene when spiderman tell's Mj that he's a secretly a superhero and has been stalking her for month's. O man so much twilight resemblece it's killing me. I especially cant wait for Eddie brock to reveal he's a symbiote to mary jane. By the fourth movie mary jane might get pregger's with peter's spiderbay and peter might have to bite her so she become's a spiderwomen.
Hey, that sounds pretty good! Get R done, Sony.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I think the biggest reason is because it shows a lot more then a normal superhero teaser usually does. Where as TDKRs teaser is just letting the general audience know that another Batman is coming. While at the same time giving us 3 shots to obsess over. People who were expecting more got let down and the people who were thinking it would be a couple lines if dialogue were surprised and liked it.

Yp exactly lol. Many people are whining that it wasnt enough but come december a new trailer will come.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Twilight jokes aside, who looks more emo/hipster? SP3 Maguire emo Spidey or this new Garfield emo Spidey complete with his fabulous fingerless gloves?

You can only choose one,




I say both. What one doesn't have in terms of emo/hipster, the other makes up for. In this case the hair and a scarf.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Twilight jokes aside, who looks more emo/hipster? SP3 Maguire emo Spidey or this new Garfield emo Spidey complete with his fabulous fingerless gloves?

You can only choose one,

Hmmm... this is gonna be tough.... I can only choose one so I guess I'll go with...

I say both.

what, what?
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Ha! DiFabio pulled the old "pick-one-while-i-pick-two" on you.

In yo face Kabukiman!

ALL.. UP.. IN.. YO.. FACE!
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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Twilight jokes aside, who looks more emo/hipster? SP3 Maguire emo Spidey or this new Garfield emo Spidey complete with his fabulous fingerless gloves?

You can only choose one,




I say both. What one doesn't have in terms of emo/hipster, the other makes up for. In this case the hair and a scarf.
That's not really a fair comparison. Tobey is in character Garfield isn't.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Did anyone catch the SM panel at SDCC yesterday? (I'm a little surprised no one has talked about it yet, unless I missed the posts.)

On-screen footage of the Lizard was unveiled. His appearance strongly resembles that of Lee and Ditko's original work and vision.

Official pics should surface soon, so be on the look-out.


Comic-Con 2011 may have hit its biggest reveal today with the first footage of The Amazing Spider-Man's central villain, the Lizard in Hall H.

One of Spider-Man's earliest villains in the comics, the character, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, made his first appearance in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #6. A herpetologist, Dr. Curt Connors inadvertently transformed himself into the reptilian beast while trying to re-grow a missing arm.

In the footage, we see Rhys Ifans talking to Peter Parker's (Andrew Garfield) class about his studies to do exactly that. He's working for Oscorp and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) appears to be his lab assistant.

Another scene has Connors standing with a mirror in front of him, trying to imagine his body with two arms. He takes a drug in his lab and begins to transform, first successfully re-growing a human hand and then growing scales up and down his body.

The big reveal, though, came with a final scene that started with two girls in a bathroom, talking about one of their recent breakups. Behind them, a toilet starts to bubble and then the floor around it begins to crack. An enormous hand emerges from the hole and we see the lizard for the first time in full. Apparently entirely CGI, the character goes back to the original Ditko look, though the character's body is much more muscular. He also, as is revealed in a shot where he sniffs the terrified girls, has a gigantic tongue.

Below is an original piece of Ditko art. Hopefully, an official image from the film will be available soon, but check back soon for an exclusive interview with Ifans himself.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Tobey's more a natural nerd. Garfield is more a natural emo guy. So, I think Tobey was better for a classic, Stan Lee Spidey. And Garfield is better for a Twilight-era Spidey. I think he was cast correctly for what they were going for. That is all.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Here is Slash Film's breakdown...spoilerish but I'm not throwing it in tags because the majority isn't:

You can watch a video blog of our footage reaction here, for now, watch Garfield’s speech and check out our list of what we learned about The Amazing Spider-Man during its Hall H panel after the jump.

1. Andrew Garfield really loves playing Spider-Man

2. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have chemistry.

In the footage we saw, and on stage, the chemistry between Stone, who plays Gwen Stacey and Garfield, who plays Peter Parker, was undeniable. In the movie, Peter first asks out the pretty girl in an almost cryptic, stunted dialogue way. “Do you wanna maybe?” “Yeah, sure.” Director Marc Webb said that while filming that scene “you knew something was working.”

3. Peter Parker is a skater.

Peter Parker carries a skateboard around on his back and even rides it down the halls at school…before getting in trouble. It seems like it might get shattered a little later in a subway fight.

4. Parker =_ stalker.

Peter Parker has a photo of Gwen Stacey from the debate team on his computer and Uncle Ben notices her, later embarrassing Peter for having a photo of the girl on his computer.

5. Spider-Strength is too much.

Once Peter Parker begins growing into his Spider powers, several scenes in the movie will deal with the fact that any normal action he does, such as squeezing out some toothpaste, turning off your alarm clock, or grabbing a rail is done so with almost incalculable strength, destroying something with just a touch.

6. The web shooters have something to do with Oscorp.

Andrew Garfield eluded to the fact that his character’s relationship to Oscorp, the company where his dead father worked in the movie and where both Gwen Stacey and Dr. Curt Connors work, had something to do with the development of the webshooters. He caught himself after saying that.

7. It might be The Amazing Spider-Man, but the costume is ultimate.

The more realistic look of the Spider-Man costume was influenced by the Ultimates comic books and also the fact that it’s ultimately a boy making a suit. He would incorporate some more practical things.

8. This Gwen Stacey will be a little different from other versions.

Emma Stone said that as much as she loves the Gwen Stacey character and her story with Peter Parker, she can’t play a character without bringing some of herself to the role. So because of that, she’s mostly Gwen Stacey but part Emma Stone too.

9. Spider-Man is a wise ass.

In some of the scenes that were shown, Spider-Man is very playful and almost cocky to his villains. He jokes with a mugger who pulls a knife, pretends to throw webs in really funny ways and more.

10. Music annoyed the sound guys.

To help get his actors in the mood, director Marc Webb would regularly play loud music – mostly in non-dialogue scenes but not exclusively – in the background on set. Scenes such as Peter Parker making his own mechanical webshooters. Sleigh Bells was one of the more popular choices as was “Dance Tonight” by Paul McCartney.

11. Spider-Man will, again, be the bad guy.

Footage revealed that Spider-Man, again, gets wrongfully accused of crimes and this time he’ll be hunted down by Gwen Stacey’s father, played by Denis Leary.

12. Peter Parker will have some punk on him.

In several scenes in the movie, Peter Parker will be wearing a Ramones t-shirt.

13. With great power, comes great responsibility.

Yes, we already knew that, but Andrew Garfield said the responsibility of playing this character was more than he could have possibly imagined.

14. The Lizard is scaly, sans snout, and in the sewer.

In the footage that first revealed the look of The Lizard, he comes up from the sewer through a toilet in a girl’s bathroom to scare a couple of young girls. His look is best described as Killer Croc meets Venon but the size of the Hulk. He’s huge, with a flat face and long tongue, and really detailed dark green, reptile scales.

15. Andrew Garfield knew he was Spider-Man for 30 minutes before we did, but Emma Stone’s lead time was much less.

We live in a breaking new world and, according to Emma Stone, that was very much the case with the casting. Andrew Garfield found out he was Spider-Man 30 minutes before Sony announced the news but it took only 90 seconds for the news to break after Emma Stone herself found out.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

9. Spider-Man is a wise ass.

In some of the scenes that were shown, Spider-Man is very playful and almost cocky to his villains. He jokes with a mugger who pulls a knife, pretends to throw webs in really funny ways and more.

:yess: :clap