The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Batman and Terminator > Spider-Man and Predator

The facts of life.

I'm going to assume you're talking about the movies....would I agree? Kinda....from a filmmaking standpoint....Terminator is a better film then Predator, and I think Batman 89 is a better film then Spider-Man (Dispite fanboy quarrals)
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I'm going to assume you're talking about the movies....would I agree? Kinda....from a filmmaking standpoint....Terminator is a better film then Predator, and I think Batman 89 is a better film then Spider-Man (Dispite fanboy quarrals)

ALL the Batman movies are better than Spider-Man. Why? Because it's Batman, duh.

I love Spidey, but c'mon, a border line nutter who dresses up as a Bat to scare the living crap out of criminals or a puny nerd who wakes up and discovers he has arachnid powers? It's all about the iconography, and while old web head is great, he ain't got nothing on Batman.

As a kid, I always wanted to be Batman. The look, the suit, the gadgets, the car. Spider-Man is impressive but Batman is better.

Don't even get me started on why Terminator is better than the Predator. He's a frickin CYBORG skeleton with human flesh.

Robots > Higgabajiggaba Alien hunter.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

ALL the Batman movies are better than Spider-Man. Why? Because it's Batman, duh.

I love Spidey, but c'mon, a border line nutter who dresses up as a Bat to scare the living crap out of criminals or a puny nerd who wakes up and discovers he has arachnid powers? It's all about the iconography, and while old web head is great, he ain't got nothing on Batman.

As a kid, I always wanted to be Batman. The look, the suit, the gadgets, the car. Spider-Man is impressive but Batman is better.

Don't even get me started on why Terminator is better than the Predator. He's a frickin CYBORG skeleton with human flesh.

Robots > Higgabajiggaba Alien hunter.

you know what, somebody's inner pedophile out there is destined to rape your inner childhood hero/icon. lets leave it at that. :lol

...unless they come up with a cyborg-alien hunter with spider powers who is a playboy millionaire by day and crime fighting bat enthusiast by night. :medic
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

...unless they come up with a cyborg-alien hunter with spider powers who is a playboy millionaire by day and crime fighting bat enthusiast by night. :medic

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

We really need some breaking Spider-Man production news to save this thread. :lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

ALL the Batman movies are better than Spider-Man. Why? Because it's Batman, duh.

I love Spidey, but c'mon, a border line nutter who dresses up as a Bat to scare the living crap out of criminals or a puny nerd who wakes up and discovers he has arachnid powers? It's all about the iconography, and while old web head is great, he ain't got nothing on Batman.

As a kid, I always wanted to be Batman. The look, the suit, the gadgets, the car. Spider-Man is impressive but Batman is better.

Don't even get me started on why Terminator is better than the Predator. He's a frickin CYBORG skeleton with human flesh.

Robots > Higgabajiggaba Alien hunter.

Perhaps you should rethink the Nerd who woke up comment with powers. Batman is simply a spoiled rich kid with issues, who had everything handed to him since birth. `While Spiderman works like a normal everyday man. Batman could say "screw this I quit", never having to work another day in his life. A rich ass hole (Batman) doesn't sound better than an everyday nerd stuggling to thrive/survive. If that's the case, I guess you like people like Donald Trump?

Notice you had to point out borderline pointless things like suit (which isn't better by the way), gadgets, and car. Why? It's because you know Batman's fight scenes aren't on the level of any Spiderman fight scene to date. You still can't tell what the F__k is going on in Nolans movies. It's like he films and gets so excited that He can't keep the cameras still. :lol It's sad that Batman's vehicle fights are better than his physical ones. Theres no point in saying his 18 wheeler/Bat-Pod chase is better than Spidermans Train fight because your talking about physical contact battles vs. chunks of metal/plastic with tires chasing each other down the street.
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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Perhaps you should rethink the Nerd who woke up comment with powers. Batman is simply a spoiled rich kid with issues, who had everything handed to him since birth. `While Spiderman works like a normal everyday man. Batman could say "screw this I quit", never having to work another day in his life. A rich _______ (Batman) doesn't sound better than an everyday nerd. If that's the case, I guess you like people like Donald Trump?

Notice you had to point out borderline pointless things like suit (which isn't better by the way), gadgets, and car. Why? It's because you know Batman's fight scenes aren't on the level of any Spiderman fight scene to date. You still can't tell what the F__k is going on in Nolans movies. It's like he films and gets so excited that He can't keep the cameras still. :lol It's sad that Batman's vehicle fights are better than his physical ones. Theres no point in saying his 18 wheeler/Bat-Pod chase is better than Spidermans Train fight because your talking about physical contact battles vs. chunks of metal/plastic with tires chasing each other down the street.

Batman has a cape, your argument is invalid.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

People started loving the batman ever since tdk. I always loved batman he's my all time favorite superhero but spider is first because I relate with the character as being a normal dude with huge responsibility I can't relate to a sociopath who dresses like a bat.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

People started loving the batman ever since tdk. I always loved batman he's my all time favorite superhero but spider is first because I relate with the character as being a normal dude with huge responsibility I can't relate to a sociopath who dresses like a bat.

But a cool Bat :lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

It's true. Lol. Ever since tdk batman is like suphero movie gold. Back then people could care less about the games and then the movies were being criticized . Until batman begins came people put faith in the movies again. Then the dark knight came and now batman is everyone's favorite superhero.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

It's true. Lol. Ever since tdk batman is like suphero movie gold. Back then people could care less about the games and then the movies were being criticized . Until batman begins came people put faith in the movies again. Then the dark knight came and now batman is everyone's favorite superhero.


Batman has always been hyped to death from the 60s show, to the older films, to the animated series. The Nolan films just amplified that. Batmania happened in '66, again in '89 and then in '08. People have always loved Batman.

Don't disrespect, son.