The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

DOnt care about the new spiderman. The new predators movie was dull and shallow and was forgettable, so enjoy that.



peter parker, a wimpy kid who has no wrestling background...i say he's closet gay at least. :lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Lol that pic is funny, but you know what else is funny, How predator hasnt had a succeful movie in decades. AHA.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Lol that pic is funny, but you know what else is funny, How predator hasnt had a succeful movie in decades. AHA.

So? Doesnt need to. Predator is a classic, and will live, and IS living longer then the Spider-Man movies. Like I said, no one really likes them any more. Ask most people, they think they're lame, and all that stupid crap.

I disagree with them...but what can I do....
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

So is spiderman, I dont get why you guys are even here. i mean people say they like spiderman more than predator and the predatards freak out and start calling people kids. Saying how spidey is gay and is a twilight ripoff and such. I mean whats the point of trolling this thread with predator nonsense. Its not even a big deal Really. Its just the opnion of other's. Predators is just a high class scifi movie to me. Its not on par with spidey and thats me. Who cares if the movies live longer, spiderman as a whole franchise is greater.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

^spiderman going for the money shot.:yess:

i dont hate spiderman, i just find the movies entertaining...except for the 3rd act. lolz

i was just surprised to see someone who thinks Predator as a high class sci fi movie when it was an 80's B movie, that turned out to be a classic and got itself a cult following...and picks spiderman movies over it. definitely not on par. :lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I thought it was a high class scifi movie it's really popular my mistake then. Of course i pick spiderman over predator you know. Obviously i'm outnumbered by predator fans though. Say what ever you want then not like I can change your mind.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

So is spiderman, I dont get why you guys are even here. i mean people say they like spiderman more than predator and the predatards freak out and start calling people kids. Saying how spidey is gay and is a twilight ripoff and such. I mean whats the point of trolling this thread with predator nonsense. Its not even a big deal Really. Its just the opnion of other's. Predators is just a high class scifi movie to me. Its not on par with spidey and thats me. Who cares if the movies live longer, spiderman as a whole franchise is greater.

Maybe you shouldn't bait fans of other things here then....
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

^spiderman going for the money shot.:yess:

i dont hate spiderman, i just find the movies entertaining...except for the 3rd act. lolz

i was just surprised to see someone who thinks Predator as a high class sci fi movie when it was an 80's B movie, that turned out to be a classic and got itself a cult following...and picks spiderman movies over it. definitely not on par. :lol

Look at Blade Runner...everyone thought that movie was ass. And boring nonsense. Now it's a the Sci Fi Godfather....:lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

What started as a joke escalated becuase people cant take a joke. maybe you and the majority of fanboys out there shouldnt take things so seriously, I told you spidey was better as ajoke and people started insulting. Dont say things you dont understand. If you cant tke someones opnion then why are you here.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Uh....yeah whatever dude. You're the one going all crazy over this. I just said Alien and Predator are classics, that are remembered as classics...where the Spidey flicks are now considered crap.

I stated the facts and stuff...I dont agree that the Spidey flicks are crap, I still consider the first in my top 5....but still.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Nah buddy you and the others were saying spidey is gay and calling fans who like the spidey movies better in bad taste. Dude thats your opnion, Dont say I bait people in just to start crap like you always do. Nobody is baiting anything its the fanboys calling me names for liking somthing better than th other. Its childish. lol.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

What started as a joke escalated becuase people cant take a joke. maybe you and the majority of fanboys out there shouldnt take things so seriously, I told you spidey was better as ajoke and people started insulting. Dont say things you dont understand. If you cant tke someones opnion then why are you here.

oh, so you were just joking then? :dunno
but why tag it as your opinion? your opinion is a joke? :dunno
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I said to celtic that predators hasnt made a good movie in years as a joke, then the predatards came outta nowhere and started to insult and stuff. Now celtic wants to twist it around like it was serious. Once people started getting angry that's when it went into a heated debate. It's not really a ig deal so we all should just let it go.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Nah buddy you and the others were saying spidey is gay and calling fans who like the spidey movies better in bad taste. Dude thats your opnion, Dont say I bait people in just to start crap like you always do. Nobody is baiting anything its the fanboys calling me names for liking somthing better than th other. Its childish. lol.

No, I said disliking Alien was having bad taste....and the excuses were silly. " I was born in ____ there for I hate good movies"

That's what will destroy our culture.......

You guys brought up the Alien/Predator crap.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Yea but you guys started all this heated debate crap calling people kids, News flash genius. not everyone is going to like the same thing or have the same views as you. Nobody said anything about disliking freaking alien, people just said they prefer spidey over alien. Then everybody got all pissed and posted pictures and whatever else forum people do when they dont agree with you.