The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I'll take one of each. 1 Emma Roberts, 1 Emma Stone. I'm making an Emma Sandwich...
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Well if they're casting for looks, then I agree Emma Stone easily looks the part.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Emma Stone would be great.

I would really love to see Black Cat in this (my favorite Marvel gal tied with Emma Frost) but I agree with a previous post that she might be a bit to mature for a teenage Spidey and probably won't work as well as MJ or Gwen.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

So i wonder if Andy has started weight training at all yet.

I hope not. Realistically Spidey needs a swimmer's body not a bodybuilder's body. His toned, yet thin physique makes his feats of strength more impressive.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Emma Stone as MJ....I'm Actually Really Happy with that choice, thanks for the update Mike


This chick is Mj. Way hotter then the last one. I would love to see her as Mj she looks like the character and sounds acts like the character would act in easy A. Good choice.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I hope not. Realistically Spidey needs a swimmer's body not a bodybuilder's body. His toned, yet thin physique makes his feats of strength more impressive.

Swimmer's are buff and lean. He doesn't have to be a bodybuilder. Andrew has no muscle to speak of so yeah, i was wondering if he started to work out.

He is. It was on Comingsoon. They could still make him toned, yet thin.

Thanks. Yes, Spider-Man has a fast metabolism, so he is lean yet muscular. But not too big.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Yeah, i think a little bigger than that would even be better. I thought his legs were skimpy, dunno if that was the suit or not. But his legs and the stuntman's looked soft. Wall crawling=muscular legs :)

I still think they should use the 90's cartoon theme in the movie somewhere. ( i know it will never happen, but i love Joe Perry So...)
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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Because regardless of how good he is as Spidey/parker Toby Maguire is our Spidey. You can't fit it or choose it, I think your missing my point here. If I was born in 1999, Christian Bale would be my Batman because that's who I grew up watching and knowing as Batman. Keaton, Kilmer, and the rest would all always seem foreign to me.

Just like the new generation of Star Wars fans to them Obi-Wan Kenobi is Ewan, to use it's Sir Alec. Just the way the world turns.

This logic is beyond flawed. If I was born in 1985 then I'd be 10 when Batman Forever came out so by that logic he'd be my Batman while two years later he was replaced? But if I was born in 1987 I'd have to associate with Clooney by some proxy dictating year of birth to childhood attachment to a superhero film? What makes a hero "yours" is your own personal association to the portrayal and embodiment of the character on the screen. If you hated Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man it doesn't make him "our" Spider-Man simply because I happened to live in the time he acted in those films? "Spider-Man of ____ generation" is nothing more than a catchphrase used the sell merchandise.

There are folks who were born in the 70s who like Ewan over Alec and vice versa folks who were born in the 90s who preferred Alec, its their association and attachment to that portrayal which makes it theirs. You do in fact choose it and having it laid onto you makes absolutely no sense. Especially in this day and age with DVDs and downloads widely available, a child born in this day and age could very well say that George Reeves is their Superman because they have access and that is what they relate to despite age. They could never make a case for Superman of their generation but then again that is the catchphrase you'll see again probably put out by WB to sell the next guy in the Big Blue suit.

Tobey is only your Spider-Man if you liked and enjoyed it, if you didn't and enjoy the Garfield presenation more your age or what was on when you were growing up has no bearing. If that is the case than Christopher Daniel Barnes is my Spider-Man because the four years he portrayed Spider-Man on the animated series were far more influential and watched while growing up than anything Tobey Maguire put out especially considering that in 1999 I was already 18 and by most respects in terms of childhood influence already grown. :cuckoo:
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

The animated Spider-Man is definitely my Spider-Man. Kevin Conroy is my Batman too. :lol
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

The first season of the 60's cartoon is my Spider-man. Featuring simplified versions of the stories taken from the early comics & actual images taken from the books, and animated in that style.

Not a fan of "Jughead" Andrew, but at least he respects his new role as Spidey and will hopefully do a great job.
Although, if the movie is patterned after the Bendis books, then I'll have to pass.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I'm going to catch hell for this but I tend to think of George Reeves or Dean Cain when I think of Superman. :lol

I've never been a Superman fan though.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I'm sure this has been posted but I skipped over it the first time and I'm sure some in here did as well

Will changing Peter Parker to a college student drastically alter the plot?
Andrew Garfield, who plays Peter Parker in the reboot, is 27 years old. This makes it difficult for him to play a believable high schooler, but slightly less difficult to play a believable college student. The filmmakers, sensing unease in the community, have decided to embrace Garfield’s laugh lines and are making Peter Parker a college student.

That’s right. Peter Parker: radioactive college student. This brings up a lot of questions about Peter’s living situations at the time of the radioactive spider bite. Is he still living at home with his grandparents? Is he still being harassed by bullies? Does being bit by a spider make him any better at doing a keg stand?