Super Freak
You didn't say you wanted him done right.[/QUOT. I didnt say raimi put the freaking venom in the movie and kill him off in ten minutes. The studio asked for venom. Why the ____ would someone want a fan fav character in a film and not done right. that is the dumbest thing you've ever said.
You're all but demanding a Venom in the next movie. You've been spewing the same rhea since before this film was out. Raimi's movie showed a Venom done in haste does not work. PERIOD! There's no way to make it work that way. There are too many interweaving story elements that are crucial to who Venom is for it to be a single movie. This is a cyclical conversation with you because you can't seem to get it through your head, then when you do, you agree, only to come back a week later with, "TEHY NED 2 DO VENOM NOWWWWWWWWW!", wash, rinse, repeat.