Problem I have with Kraven is imagining a fight that could compare to Lizard in the High School and Spidey crawling all over him, or for that matter Lizard crawling up a building while Spidey swings around a tower to drop kick him.
I'd rather see villains that provide a really spectacular battle as well as mental threat. Who ideally that should be in the next one I'm not sure. I think you could get away with a few if you don't take the time to do an origin story for them all.
Connors is still alive. Norman's coming. JJJ is coming. Uncle Ben's killer is out there still. Maybe have a minor villain working for Osborne (either Mysterio or Electro would be my preferance based on the after credits scene) and someone like Vulture would fit well if we saw Norman working on early glider tech and he steals it from Toomes.
I like Scorpion but he's too similar to Lizard imo with the tail etc. I'd prefer Rhino if done right. Basically just keep changing it up from someone like Lizard/ock who can crawl up surfaces, to a flying baddie like Vulture, to a big bulky baddie like Rhino, ranged weps like Electro and Shocker, back to flying w/ Norman. Some pattern like that to keep the fights fresh.