You WHAT the lizard?!
I knew you liked the movie but, sheesh!

You WHAT the lizard?!
I knew you liked the movie but, sheesh!
I just wish they wouldn't have marketed it as in untold story but rather a new beginning .
I was definitely bummed we didn't get more about the backstory of the parents, BUT I can understand why, as Nova pointed out.
I don't require justification at all, i know i'm not the only person on the planet to like he movie.
I'm asking a simple question of what people expected differently from the Lizard. Since people have been vocal about how he was wrong, i wanna know in which ways done different he'd be right? Cos i'm Looking at him and wondering how could he be better?
The lizard looked like bad. His character wasn't anything special. He didn't feel like a new, different villain.
Judging by the way you conduct yourself in this and other threads, regarding this film, I'll disagree and leave it at that. Enjoy your answers
To be honest they could of explored alot more with the lizard. I mean why wasn't his son and wife in the movie? I liked him but he definatly wasn't doc ock or joker. Still think they could of did more with the design but that's just me. Still liked the movie.
I'm not allowed to like it?
Cos that's all i've done regarding this film, say that i like it, i've never said it was the greatest movie ever, just that i really enjoy the film.
Now you're misinterpreting. I never specified whether your conduct was correct or incorrect. It's clear to me now, that you took offense to my question and follow up statement. Which was not it's intent.
Now, Despite my disagreement with your previous answer to my...previous question, you have still answered it and as I said, I will leave it at that.
Raimi's Connors becoming a monster would've made him a better character overall.
Instead of being a Green Goblin ripoff.
excerpt from the Marvel Wiki entry on Curt Connors said:He became obsessed with uncovering the secrets of reptilian regeneration, and studied reptilian biology extensively. From his home in the Everglades, he finally determined a serum taken from the DNA of a reptile. He had successfully regrown the missing limb of a rabbit, and, despite the warnings of his wife, chose to test it on himself. Connors ingested it, and his arm did indeed grow back. Unfortunately, it had one side effect: Connors was subsequently transformed into a reptilian monster!