The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I never said you did say the movie would suck. That was a general statement based on the vibe of this thread. It wasn't meant to be directed at you. If it came off that way my bad.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Who said you're being a hater? You seem to be reading my post as some kind of personal attack which it's not. I don't care if you like it or not I'm just voicing my point of view. If you can't handle that I'm sorry, but that's not my problem. Take a chill pill dude, geeez.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!


You most have been on that post like flies on ____. As soon as I posted it I scrolled up to see your "I never said..." misunderstanding post, and quickly deleted it. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds.

I don't even remember exactly what I posted but I don't think it was harsh or warrants "Take a chill pill dude".
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!


You most have been on that post like flies on ____. As soon as I posted it I scrolled up to see your "I never said..." misunderstanding post, and quickly deleted it. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds.

I don't even remember exactly what I posted but I don't think it was harsh or warrants "Take a chill pill dude".

:rotfl Ha! Yes, Yes I was, and I only said that because you seemed like you were getting upset which I'm not wanting to upset anyone. It's just my point of view/ opinion, no one has to agree with me.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Hey bro, is this gonna be like Heath Ledger Joker bro?
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

:rotfl Ha! Yes, Yes I was, and I only said that because you seemed like you were getting upset which I'm not wanting to upset anyone. It's just my point of view/ opinion, no one has to agree with me.

Nope, wasn't upset at all. Just trying to make a point. No harm, no foul.



Hey bro, is this gonna be like Heath Ledger Joker bro?

Cool story bro.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Nope, wasn't upset at all. Just trying to make a point. No harm, no foul.



Good deal, I don't ever try to argue with anyone about opinions, it's just pointless to me. Normally when I see a post in caps it means the person is mad and "yelling", but that's cool, good to know you weren't mad. Also so you know I do see were you're coming from, I just don't necessarily agree. Different strokes for different folks though. :)
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Who said you're being a hater? You seem to be reading my post as some kind of personal attack which it's not. I don't care if you like it or not I'm just voicing my point of view. If you can't handle that I'm sorry, but that's not my problem. Take a chill pill dude, geeez.

I never said you did say the movie would suck. That was a general statement based on the vibe of this thread. It wasn't meant to be directed at you. If it came off that way my bad.

Who were you responding to in these post ?
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

:lol RRRRRRRRRRRRRiiiiiiiggght. I'm coco for coo-coo puffs! It's a very rare disorder. I have to eat a lot of tacos to keep it under control.
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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

You know what i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it is. ( i mean hey i could be totally wrong) Think about it, would they really choose this suit as a suit to make 3 more movies with? Looks at the similarities. We could be seeing a flashback scene (in the on location pics we've been getting) of the wrestling days/and or uncle bens killer. Maybe this will be the suit through 95% of the film with him breaking out the real one at the end or something. (unless it is a flashback)

Who knows.

But i think that it may just be the wrestling suit. Just more $ to give to HT with multiple suits being made. :)
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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!


I hate this guessing game. I wish Marvel would take the initiative and give fans some clarity by releasing a proper promo shot featuring the real-deal Spider-Man suit masked, fully lit and without battle damage. Would quell some of the negative buzz eminating from geek circles on the net and not just leave the currently leaked shots to the sharks. Damage control!
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

It definitely looks like the Wrestling suit from that link.


I like it and I'd be willing to buy it especially if there is another final suit, can you imagine 3 Spider-Men on the shelves including Raimi's from HT. Although I've never read that storyarc does anyone have a link to what the final costume looked like or whether it was any different?
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I like it and I'd be willing to buy it especially if there is another final suit, can you imagine 3 Spider-Men on the shelves including Raimi's from HT. Although I've never read that storyarc does anyone have a link to what the final costume looked like or whether it was any different?
