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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!


hey look! its a traditional looking Spidey! Oh the good ol' days
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

It definitely looks like the Wrestling suit from that link.


I like it and I'd be willing to buy it especially if there is another final suit, can you imagine 3 Spider-Men on the shelves including Raimi's from HT. Although I've never read that storyarc does anyone have a link to what the final costume looked like or whether it was any different?

God I hope that this is the case of the new suit, if not...:gah:
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

This new suit is really starting to grow on me. I think it is a pretty cool take on the original.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Thats old news, from a couple of days ago.

On another point, do you think they will make Spiderman movies for the next 30 years with a traditional suit? That would be boring, they have to change it up now and then like Batman's suits. Imagine if people alsways demanded Batman with a spandex blue and grey suit like his original comic color and tv show.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

This new suit is really starting to grow on me. I think it is a pretty cool take on the original.

I think this will be happening to alot of people. We're pretty much right on track by the 5 stages of grief that people go through
1) denial - this can't be the suit, etc
2) anger - no explanation needed
3) bargaining - I'd be ok with the suit if it was just the wrestling suit
4) depression - this movie's gonna suck, blah, blah
5) acceptance - tbd:lol

But on a serious note, I don't see how he'd have the kind of scratches he has on the first promo pic from a wrestling match, and why he's need web shooters as well, unless he uses webbing in his wrestling matches:dunno
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

On another point, do you think they will make Spiderman movies for the next 30 years with a traditional suit? That would be boring...

Since the last movie featured Spider-Man in a non-traditional suit, I'm guessing that people are willing to accept that Spider-Man will change his suit every now and again.

Heck, he changes it up in the comics from time to time. From the Iron Spider to the current Tron suit, nobody has called blasphemy yet.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

If it's not the wrestling suit I'm still fine with it. In fact I think that the crappier the suit looks the more sense it would make, seeing as how he's suppose to have made it himself. Peter Parker has no money so he'd likely make it out of things he could afford. Like, say a used speed skaters suit or a bobsledders outfit, he's not Bruce Wayne and doesn't have an R&D department to make his gear. That was one problem I had with the Raimi Spidy suit, sure it look more like the comic, but the way it was made didn't look like something he could have made himself. It looked like something an FX company made for a movie, which it was. That's how I feel anyway, and I just don't think a kid would end up making a great looking costume, at least not on his first go at it. I mean maybe later on, but not the first attempt, IMO.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

If it is the wrestling suit like in that comic.("with great power") The suit will probably be in the movie for 90% of it. (seeing as how this movie will revolve heavily around his HS days) With a new suit showing up at the end of it or in the sequel. And if that's what they're planning to do i'm totally fine with it.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Like I said before, as long as the writing, directing, and acting is good I'll be happy. As far as the costume goes, if I can look at it and say "Yup, that's Spider-man" then it's fine. Which I can look at this suit and say "Yup, that's Spider-man." Even if it is a little different, it's fine by me.

And the story of Spider-man isn't about how rad and awesome his costume looks, it's about the characters.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I guess the thing that really bothers me about the new suit is the mid-section. I feel that without the "belt" he has belly like a new born puppy or something, it just looks wierd.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I think the fact that a dude is running/swinging/crawling through the city in red and blue tights is pretty weird on it's own. :lol

But I can see what you're saying, even though I have no issues with it. Now that you've said that I do kinda want to rub his belly. :lol
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Yea like many people have said before:

It looks like the Ben Reily suit. which is weird they'd do that to PP since all spidey fans know there is a huge difference between the two. I think the suit is mediocre. I don't like the midsection/belt, or the blue fingers, OR the stripe down the leg. All are bothersome to my eyes. lol

You would think just for marketing alone they would try to stay as close as they could to the original. People will buy stuff from ths movie for sure, but for me: If SSC makes a PF or comiquette for this movie I won't buy it now, because of the costume. Even if I love the movie. It will only be current for as long as the movie is because classic Spidey is what has real staying power. If the costume looked like the original then I would likely get it as like a favorite take on the original or something. May sound crazy but I am sure there are tons out there who feel the same.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Well like i said, if this is just his beginning/wrestler suit (which all signs point to IMO at this point) I'm totally cool with it.

Gotta think about it. Would they really choose this suit to represent 3 more movies? After seeing that article and the comic images(similarities are just too uncanny) i think that it is the wrestler suit. If not, i'm still ok with it.

Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

The only reason I'm hoping it's not the wrestling suit is because I don't want to go through the origin story again. I guess, either way, I won't be too upset, I'm just glad we're getting another Spider-Man movie.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Yea like many people have said before:

It looks like the Ben Reily suit. which is weird they'd do that to PP since all spidey fans know there is a huge difference between the two. I think the suit is mediocre. I don't like the midsection/belt, or the blue fingers, OR the stripe down the leg. All are bothersome to my eyes. lol

You would think just for marketing alone they would try to stay as close as they could to the original. People will buy stuff from ths movie for sure, but for me: If SSC makes a PF or comiquette for this movie I won't buy it now, because of the costume. Even if I love the movie. It will only be current for as long as the movie is because classic Spidey is what has real staying power. If the costume looked like the original then I would likely get it as like a favorite take on the original or something. May sound crazy but I am sure there are tons out there who feel the same.

I completely agree with you, sir.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I dont think its the wrestling suit, it's too refined in its design to be the "whipped something up to make some fast cash" look.
Its got the web shooters and the Superman Returns seams so I think we're looking at the main suit.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Spidey's suit in Raimi's films was perfect which is why it never changed (like Nolan's Batman). In order to reboot Spiderman, there has to be a departure from the first costume and I'm actually happy with what I've seen so far..