The Beatles 1964 Fab Four set

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This is a project I was working before I found out of this set of HS. I bought some damaged Hamilton Beatles figures, repainted the HS and will transplant them to an articulated body (TTL). But I will wait for this set to arrive and decided which ones I'll use. What do you think?




Those Hamilton scuplts are decent or at least would be with a good repaint, but Spenser has produced superior ones. If you can afford his set (and the project in general) it will be worth it.
Yes, go to page one. PM Spenser to make arrangements...

Yeah, the headsculpts from Spenser are better though I too was going to get the Hamilton set and do a head transplant a few years ago but I never found them and the eBay ones were waaay too much back then a full set went for about $250. I got a used Kirk and Spock instead.

BTW, Spenser posted on another thread that he'd be gone for vacation so you might have to wait a while until he gets back. But, the sculpts are definitely worth the price.

You know, the Hamilton set was the ONLY recent (1986) Apple approved Likeness figure Set ever made for the Beatles as far as I know. They are not 6th scale the figures are 10 inches I believe. I bought a John and Paul for my Brother's Xmas gift a few years back. They were the inspiration for this project in a way, as nothing had really ever been done in 6th scale which makes this project kind of Historic when you think about it. :D
Yes, you are right. I can't wait to received the HS and work on them. I paid for them yesterday, How long is the waiting time to receive them? I tried the Hamilton guitars on a 1/6 body and they look right on scale, but they are plastic, don't have strings, etc., etc.
I'd like to see your figures. They must be excellent.

Should be soon. I should have real leather Guitar straps done this week and will post pics. Tweaked all my outfits, so the figures are done. Will have pics of heads posted very soon as well. I had Les bump other heads of mine he's had for a long time for these. Also picked up another microphone, so I now have two. I used the mics which came with the Mattel Elvis 68 Special.

Haven't heard a thing about Paul's bass from anyone. :gah:
Big News..

My heads are done! And they are beautiful. Les hit it outta the park.

Pics to be posted in the coming days! Should have a completed head set shot tonight and completed Figure set by this weekend. :rock
Hey Gang,

Here's a shot Les took before he sent my Beatles heads off. They are absolutely beautiful. We matched Hair, eye color from Getty Images and Book Covers, the best Color photos taken at the time :D


Here's another shot Les took of Paul and John -- eye and hair color were matched using High end Ref images from books, Getty Museum, etc.


Here's a set shot I took when they arrived.
One Word: Masterful. I will post pics of the completed Figures soon. They look amazing. :D

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Hey Guys,

Here's a shot Les took before he sent my Beatles heads off. They are absolutely beautiful. We matched Hair, eye color from Ref images from the Getty and Book Covers, the best Color photos taken at the time :D


Here's another shot Les took of Paul and John -- eye and hair color were matched using High end Ref images from books, Getty Museum, etc.


Here's a set shot I took when they arrived.
One Word: Masterful. I will post pics of the completed Figures soon. They look amazing. :D


HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!! This is gonna look great!
Here is the first pic of my nearly Completed Set with heads painted by Les Walker. I can't thank Spenser enough for doing these sculpts. These indeed are the ONLY 1/6 Beatles Sculpts ever done to my knowledge.


And here is my Completed 64 Beatles Set at long last!

All have different Bodies and heights as you can see. I'm very happy with the results. I think I mentioned in an earlier post I used Hot Toys Joker Police DX Shirts, they were the best made and I highly recommend them. I glued each collar point down. The Suits and ties are minbarbie with modded collars. I glued the lapels tighter and higher to the chest. I will try to take better pics in better light and will also post individual shots in the coming days. Enjoy! :cool:

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Looks nice Pjam. So, that's what we'll be shooting for with our sculpts. Impressive!

Even John's hair color is right... basically burnt sienna with a midnight black wash... Same with Ringo only a shade darker. Yeah, most people don't realize that their hair color, John's especially changed a bit over the years. People who actually met and saw him (Not me) said that his hair shade looked like a jet black to a dark sandy brown depending on how the light hit as he got older. Ringo's wasn't so drastic and went from a blackish brownish red (burnt sienna with black wash) in the 60s to a near black in the 70s with reddish highlights... It's a photographic lighting issue mostly that their hair color always looked black (most of their images at least the one I remember were in black and white) and in some cases, on some people--- the hair color can seem to change. Gillian Anderson was supposed to be a platinum blond when she was in X-Files but she always ended up with red hair on TV... a friend of mine had the same problem with her hair color, too--- she was a strawberry blond but her photos have her with flaming red hair.

Les is a genius with colors...

Here are a couple ref images we used, Guys. One is a Getty Image of John, the other a scan of a book cover I have we used for eye color. The scan is not super color accurate but the book cover is.

John's eyes were a lighter brown, Paul's darker brown, George, hazel brown and Ringo's stark blue. Ringo's eyes were really bright Blue if anyone remembers HELP!. As for John's hair, even later in life during his NYC days, you can tell it was darkish auburn.


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pjam, I have not felt such a desire to own these since I first saw the finished sculpts. Beautiful work. I can't wait to see the instruments!

I've been on a Beatles kick as of late. I've been going to all of the local American English concerts (the greatest tribute band ever!), playing Beatles Rockband, and listening to nothing but the Beatles on my Zune. *sigh* I really wish I could win a lottery ticket or something just to own these.
Thanks Guys, a labour of love and well worth it. All heads had to be dremeled to fit the corresponding bodies, had to find correct hands, even had to whittle hand posts to fit. The outfits came out okay I think but I can't stress enough about getting the right shirts to avoid a stump neck look. And even then glue-spotting is required to pin the collars down correctly.

Anyway, more pics to come, next will be individual Figure shots. Get going Gang, once finished you will be so happy you have them done. :D