It's all good. Thanks for posting.![]()
Stop that - you'll just encourage him. The TROS thread is bad enough!

It's all good. Thanks for posting.![]()
Can't wait for another streaming service to pay for.Now Disney is creating a streaming channel for their R rated Fox movies.
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I?ve been warning geeks for a long time now, BUY YOUR BLURAYS!
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4k or blu ray preferred, if you run out of space then and only then the below option
Buy the digital Copies (itunes, vudu, fandango now, amazon prime) but only when they are on sale for 4.99. Just make sure its movies anywhere and your golden. Dont buy any disney title on itunes cause u wont get 4k copies, redeem them in vudu.
The only point to have a streaming service is for their original shows like the mandolorian, its just disney greedy ass, i just cancel until season 2 startS up, otherwise they are a ripoff in the long run
Streaming services are just a racket outside of maybe netflix (a **** ton of original content) why pay monthly fee when you can own 4k copy for 4.99 or 7.99 disney sale or even better the 4k disk itself. I hardly watched disney plus at all since mondo ended so i cancelled it. I already own all the movies i want on their service, they havent done **** with avengers yet. If thats good ill sign on again.
I get the space issue caused by physical media esp if you collect other things. I have that problem myself, my 4k collection has overflowed into the bedroom lol
Never heard of it lol
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Yeah the discs definitely take up space that could be going to another HT figure or Hasbro SW ship but what are you going to do movie collection is one of the many necessary evils in life that comes with being a male lol
I have yet to run into a female that said to me:
Would you like to see my huge bluray collection
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Two things that you will never hear a female say
1) come check out my massivr 4k/blu ray collection
2) come check out my top end 77inch oled tv
Its simple woman can careless about video fidelity or picture quality, its goes against their mental and genetic programming. They care more about the brand of their clothing, purse, makeup and who cuts their ****ing hair. You could play star wars in 4k then on dvd and they wouldnt mention **** about the picture quality unless you had just gone out and spent 5k on a new tv, then they care, but they say? i cant see a difference you wasted money its looks the same to me?. No it doesnt ***** what looks the same is your god damn makeup
That use to be my wife but now she sees why I spend my $ on higher end electronics. She gave me a hard time when I wanted to get an OLED TV now she can't go back to LED/LCD. Now I have a Sony OLED in living room and LG OLED in game room. She Also gave me a hard time when I wanted to build a full fledged home theater setup. Now that its complete, 9.2.2 surround(just added a second 12" sub) she loves it. I can't remember which horror movie we watched the other night, but when a sound came from the rear corner of the room she jumped, spilled her drink all over the place and nearly had a heart attack lol.
Also, thanks for the heads up about BTTF set at bestbuy. I was able to preorder the 4k steelbook set which is still available.
Two things that you will never hear a female say
1) come check out my massivr 4k/blu ray collection
2) come check out my top end 77inch oled tv
Its simple woman can careless about video fidelity or picture quality, its goes against their mental and genetic programming. They care more about the brand of their clothing, purse, makeup and who cuts their ****ing hair. You could play star wars in 4k then on dvd and they wouldnt mention **** about the picture quality unless you had just gone out and spent 5k on a new tv, then they care, but they say? i cant see a difference you wasted money its looks the same to me?. No it doesnt ***** what looks the same is your god damn makeup
Oh wow, yes. My wife claims she sees no difference between SD, HD and 4K. Half the time she picks a SD channel to watch from, cause I think she knows it irritates me. So one day I changed the settings to default to HD if that option is available, and later that night she put on the food channel, which defaulted to HD, and she said. "See, this looks great, I don't know why you think we need HD."
I just sat there shaking my head, waiting to see if she'd realize it was not a sd channel. She didn't.
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300 4K on 10/6
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