Broke and happy
Any chance any of you guys that order multiple copies have a copy of the Halloween 4k SB?
You mean the one with the incorrect color timing...

Any chance any of you guys that order multiple copies have a copy of the Halloween 4k SB?
You mean the one with the incorrect color timing...
FMJ should have ended with Pyle's outcome and Joker heading out to war. The only thing that diminishes the second half of FMJ, is that the first half is so amazing. I've always felt it should have been a 2 part movie.[emoji38] [emoji38]
I also agree that the second half of FMJ never attains the greatness of the first half.
Well that F13th 2 deleted footage was all rather anticlimactic after hearing about it for all of these decades lol
Scott’s upside down machete neck slice was the only one worth keeping and even then just meh.
Oh well bring on Mando.
I've never seen the Extended Cut but Punisher 2004 has long been a guilty pleasure of mine.
I liked the ice pick through the face too. Overall too much hype for that. I have watched the first one and the transfer is pretty good. I'm watching the Punisher 2004 extended cut I got from Germany and it looks really good. Finally have it on blu ray.
I've never seen the Extended Cut but Punisher 2004 has long been a guilty pleasure of mine.
The extended deals with Frank's Friend giving him up. Explains how Saint found him so easily and how Frank deals with it. Makes the movie better even though it is still far from perfect. I like it alot but like you said a guilty pleasure.
Nice. I remember you saying you really liked the Visio.
My living room currently is odd - 15 feet or more away from the TV and sofa backed up against a wall. One side is open, the other side has a slated wall and then all glass balcony window, so the acoustics get funky. The corner to the side of the sofa seems to throw the bass around the best. Everywhere else it gets lost.
Anyway, its nice to finally have a full and complete (is it ever?) 4K system now -- TV, bluray and soundbar -- can finally watch all those 4Ks that have been piling up. I miss 3D though.