Yeah she looked fine in her prime no doubt about that.
I mean seriously lord and baby jesus will you just look at this
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And there's this...

And this...

Yeah she looked fine in her prime no doubt about that.
I mean seriously lord and baby jesus will you just look at this
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There was also her picture editorial she did once she was of age and away from the 7th heaven contract where she was topless sitting in a sink putting on makeup like a big f you for the purityrannical overlords of her contract keeping her from doing anything that wasnt family oriented. Think of what it would be like today all anyone needs to do to be famous is get 'hacked' and let your nudes into the wild. Put on the face of how indignant you are about the whole thing and boom. LolAnd there's this...
And this...
Shes honestly always had a really sexy back, those wing muscles and broad feminine shoulders and great claviture. Oh yeah and that GQ mag of her in the simple brown two piece number. Crazyness.Nothing better than her sitting in the sink in black-and-white.
Craziness. Who didnt hahahahahaChris Evans also said he hated the Last Jedi.
You ok bruh?Godzilla KOTM 4K $20 at BB!
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Don't forget these...
Ask her for a threesome as a parting giftShe could make grandma?s underwear sexy!
**** my wife told me she would leave me for her lol
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My wife is the jealous type when it comes to our threesomes it always has to be her pick from her girlfriend pool
Forget it I suggest a girl and all of a sudden i?m being accused of loving someone else.
I swear it makes no sense I just go along for the ride lol
Women...can?t live with em can?t live without em
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No theories no metaphors no allegories just my wacky life lol
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That right there is a Ferrari Enzo combined with an Aston Martin Vulcan combined with Empire Strikes Back combined with Die Hard combined with Raiders combined with Predator 1 combined with T2 combined Jurassic Park 1 combined with grilled steak combined with pork roast combined with cold beer combined with a female.