The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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This episode was WAAYYY better than the first. It feels like it should have been the first episode of the series to be honest. They could have covered everything that was important (not much) from the first episode in flashbacks, that's how I'm going to remember the first episode. Because almost everything of importance in the previous episode was also expressed. in this episode.
When he was humbled by the female tusken in the first episode in the gaffy stick duel it was the essentially the final straw after being blind sided (no pun intended) by Solo, his experience in the Sarlaac followed by the Dune Sea. Each event stripped something away from his identity. Solo made him a laughing stock (haha), how can someone be fearful of a man who screams with arms flailing whilst he falls / flies into the Sarlaac. The pit itself made him mortal, he was a man who could be killed. The Jawas tooks his armour (his face) and the tuskens took his freedom.

Now with episode two the series of events do fit together better to tell a story of a character who was so used to being the best that his main weakness was his confidence in his own abilities. He should not have tried to use non-lethal tactics against Luke, a jedi. He should not have ignored Solo because he had been blinded. Whilst he was in a weakened state he should not have assumed that he could take the tusken warrior in a form of combat that she had trained in her entire life. It all culminated in an awakening (lol) of his own humility, there is more he can learn and more that he could do beyond just being a bounty hunter. Perhaps this is not the journey that everyone wanted to see but at least they are giving him a character arc and did I mention, I like Westerns.

I just hope the present day events become a bit more interesting / pick up pace. Could do with some cameos as well. Would love to see some of the other ESB bounty hunters be hired by the Hutt twins (come on Bossk and Dengar) or even some Filoni characters like Cad Bane (... maybe even "sister"). Is this going to descend into seven samurai / magnificent 7 territory battling for Mos Espa... may be and that could be fun too!
I was hoping that we would see their faces at the ceremony at the end. Kind of a way of making him one of them. I think the Shaman, I call him "Forkface," is actually a human. I think all Sandpeople might have originally been human.

I always secretly thought that Tatooine was Earth super far in the future. So far that the human origin world has been lost to history. The SW Galaxy is a flat spiral disk galaxy like ours, and Tatooine is right where Earth is. In the film 2010, Jupiter becomes another sun in our system, just sayin'
This was a pretty good episode! Better than the pilot, great to have 52 minutes of play time.

Like that we saw more of the tribe, their rituals and how their weapons are made. The drugged Boba part was a bit tame, felt a bit drawn out and out of place. What’s the purpose of it? To find the right branch?

Thought we’d see more action at the mayors’ place, like Boba and Fennec eliminating the threat in order to secure the grip as daimyo.
Well....yes, he did as a matter of fact.
“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering”

Anakin is too old, formed attachments, Jedi warn he can not be trained and they are worried. Anakin leaves his mother (fear) his mother dies (anger) and he kills the Tuskens (hate), but he gets over this suffering because he loved Padme (attachment=bad). Anakin is fearful Padme will die. Angry the Jedi are holding him back. Hates them for it. Then suffers as Vader.

It was easy to see. He didn’t go from heroic Jedi to evil Sith in minutes.
As a kid I always assumed the Tusken Raiders were weird looking aliens.
At one point in the late '70s and early '80s they were said to be but it was left to the imagination.
I wonder if we'll ever find out.
In some comic somewhere there's a Tusken Jedi and I think you see his face. Humanoid alien if I recall, don't know -- I don't pay close attention to other SW media.

Can Boba Fett even procreate? I'm not very current on the science of gene splicing and cloning. Not sure if they have proper reproductive capabilities. The Replicants in Blade Runner did not, at least until 2049 decided they did.
Boba Fett was described as an "unaltered" clone of Jango Fett. Presumably that means lacking obedience, having more aggression, and a normal rate of growth and aging as he was meant to be the bounty hunter's child.

(Narcissistic much, Jango ol' buddy?)
I am starting to think al of what Boba is doing is to give Tatooine back to the native population. Then it makes sense that he would go straight to the people who are in charge and take them out.

I think before this is over we'll see Fett utilize the Sandpeople and unite the disparate tribes, and take back the planet. We'll see Fett give the palace and throne to the Chief of the Tribe at the end of the series. Then Fett will be complete, an authentically "simple man, making his way in the universe."
Seems ridiculous that Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy is such a novice at hand to hand combat with the sticks. It's like girl Tusken is Mr. Miyagi and Boba Fett is Daniel LaRusso.
Everyone keeps calling that Tusken female. I didn't think it was specified. Anyway, Boba is shown to use gadgets and ranged weapons. If you assume he's also proficient at hand-to-hand combat (in Star Wars it'd be Teras Kasi or whatever) and some melee weapons, it doesn't mean he's automatically proficient at the forms and styles of Tusken stick-fighting.

Boxing is not Muay Thai and Muay Thai is not Shotokan Karate. Some things are transferable but the forms and 'rules' are not, so I can buy him having to figure that out. Note that he gets preeetty proficient very quickly. Most people don't get deadly at a martial art that quickly, it takes a couple years LOL
At one point in the late '70s and early '80s they were said to be but it was left to the imagination.

In some comic somewhere there's a Tusken Jedi and I think you see his face. Humanoid alien if I recall, don't know -- I don't pay close attention to other SW media.

Boba Fett was described as an "unaltered" clone of Jango Fett. Presumably that means lacking obedience, having more aggression, and a normal rate of growth and aging as he was meant to be the bounty hunter's child.

(Narcissistic much, Jango ol' buddy?)
That Tusken Jedi was just a human in Tusken gear, I think.

In Legends, the Tuskens (and Jawas) evolved (or devolved) from a technologically advanced species known as Kumumgah, after essentially being bombed back to the stone age by the Rakata.

I was lead to believe that this episode was better than the last. :lol

It feels like the Robot Chicken or Spaceballs version of Star Wars, so it's hard to take seriously or get into like The Mandalorian.

I stopped at 21 minutes, because there really is a Hells Angels chapter making a nuisance of themselves in the bar. :slap
Everyone keeps calling that Tusken female. I didn't think it was specified. Anyway, Boba is shown to use gadgets and ranged weapons. If you assume he's also proficient at hand-to-hand combat (in Star Wars it'd be Teras Kasi or whatever) and some melee weapons, it doesn't mean he's automatically proficient at the forms and styles of Tusken stick-fighting.

Boxing is not Muay Thai and Muay Thai is not Shotokan Karate. Some things are transferable but the forms and 'rules' are not, so I can buy him having to figure that out. Note that he gets preeetty proficient very quickly. Most people don't get deadly at a martial art that quickly, it takes a couple years LOL

I'm just assuming it's a female tusken because others have said so. It also seems like something Lucasfilm would enjoy showing on screen, Boba Fett the badass bounty hunter getting his ass kicked by the opposite sex...again.