So , I just startwd watching through episode 2.
Let me start off by saying I am not a fan of BF, I never understood the fan boy reaction to him. From the Kenner mystery figure reveal, to his (apparent) demise in ROTJ. I NEVER got it. He never did anything that impressive to me. He seemed like a glorified errand boy. So I cant get involved with the whole idea he was EVER a badass as so many think he is…..
Flash back to the PT , and we see nothing impressive either. Basically a clone, bred to be aggressive, but damaged by his father death.
So , it probably much easier to see this new series in a positive light. I think the direction they have taken the character is very interesting, much better than the typical bad boy , 80’s action hero so many fans seem to want. I had my fill of that character in the 80’s 90’s and 2000… just been done to death.
Now we seem to have a redemption arc going, which has also been done too much. However . I find it compelling with this series. We have a bounty hunter, who they are showing as past his prime, if he had any, returning to a world where he knows nothing of leadership and commanding a following. Essentially , I see this as a loner renegade, who failed, trying to rebuild himself , as a respected leader. This is interesting to me.
I loved seeing his bloated, broken body be rebuilt by the Tuskins and living hard in a situation with very little. The dive into Tuskin society, both in this and Mando, has been a great joy to see. I really hope we get to see more of this society building. I would love to see how the Hutts crime syndicate works.
I also like political and crime dramas, so I actually hope to see this more as a intrigue story of a crime lords rise, than an action based bad ass against the world. I wanna see him manipulate the characters into his power zone. Also hope to see him sumble in this world where he obviously has zero experience being a leader.
Really excited to see where this goes, for the first time I am interested in Boba Fett……