"I'm gonna kill that fat slug who double-crossed me and take his throne."
Double-crossed? How?
I feel like that ties in to events from WotBH. Because in that, Fortuna indeed did some sketchy stuff to Fett.
*Not as horrible as feared, but I could have done without that rat-catching droid business. This is a show about the building of a criminal empire, why do we need to have A Collision Course With Wackiness every few minutes. [tm MST3K]
*I love Fennec. She is awesome.
*Fett obviously has some amnesia related to his sarlacc stay and the events immediately following. Ok, that I can forgive, but the physics related to that horizontally-hovering ship will keep me up at night for a while.
*Fett: still a little bit too nice.
*Major surgery at the tattoo parlor with techno playing in the background! We should have this right here on earth. Poor Fennec is STILL IN THAT SAME OUTFIT on the operating table.
*Those Trandoshans were not bothering anyone. Luckily the victim's arm will grow back. That's BK for you. We REALLLYYYYY need Bossk, who is in his way, every bit as fearsome as BK is.
*NO MOS VESPA and my heart rejoices.
*Smart money says we are about to be lookin' at Mando and small green child very, very soon.
Flaws, yes but compared to last week this was a masterpiece.