Super Freak
It's a fight with a high chance of injury - of course he won't wear it.Hopefully, Fett remembers to wear his helmet.

It's a fight with a high chance of injury - of course he won't wear it.Hopefully, Fett remembers to wear his helmet.
Wow spoilers.Maybe this will end up like The Prestige where the big reveal will be that there were always TWO Boba Fetts (one a badass, one a bumbling idiot) who took turns wearing the armor.
It's a fight with a high chance of injury - of course he won't wear it.![]()
I can't change your mind after all these years about how the Jedi Order operates, but I'll just say that if these stories are going to have super-powered Jedi, I think they need to account for the inherent dangers. I think Lucas thought that through in an excellent way, but it's not something that comes across as intuitively as he might've expected.Ehhh, I dunno man. I still find the concepts...unclear. I don't know how a budding Jedi is supposed to navigate the can dos and can nots of supposed love without attachment. Not to mention the entire enterprise, as previously mentioned, requires the morally questionable indoctrination of infants - taking them away from a different life they might have far preferred - in order for it to safely conducted.
The following footage shows Cobb Vanth in battle not wearing armor, then Cad Bane in battle not wearing armor, then Boba Fett in battle not wearing armor, lol.
Oh my god, Boba Fett is Jack Burton.It's a fight with a high chance of injury - of course he won't wear it.![]()
No, Fennec saying that the Tuskens made him soft fails to accomplish what I was referring to. The Tuskens just made him want to stop going through his life and job alone. It doesn't even begin to address why his instinct was to waste time asking the Rodian firespray if he wanted to be set free. It doesn't explain his attitude toward Tuskens who beat him, tortured him, and had him doing firespray labor. When he tells Fennec that the Tuskens saved him, that was utterly ridiculous.Didn't they already pretty much do that though by having Fennec call out that he has gotten "soft" since his time with the Tuskens (which was just an extension of his time in the Sarlacc?) I mean as I think about it my "mind meld" clone idea could also work in reverse; that this *is* the "real" Fett but instead of a faker having his memories he's the real deal but with a hodge-podge of other memories/consciousnesses rattling around in his brain due to the Sarlacc that have greatly muddied his moral compass, proficiency with many of his prior skills, and so on. I'm not making a definitive case for how to rationalize this, just thinking (or typing) out loud so to speak.
Be careful what you wish for....Fett flying would be one way for him to stand out. As long as he doesn't crash and burn. The last thing we need is everyone fighting while Fett is running in the background on fire.
Are they ever going to make an Old Republic movie? That cgi trailer is still the best Star Wars action I've ever seen.
You mean kill him off quickly when everyone starts to really enjoy him like Fett in ROTJ and Maul in TPM? The precedent is set and you know Filoni and Favreau still listen to ol' Georgie boy.I hope Disney doesn't turn Cad Bane into another lost soul who turns good and becomes Fett's new ally.
I'd prefer him to die too quick... than to turn heroic underdog ally friend pal.You mean kill him off quickly when everyone starts to really enjoy him like Fett in ROTJ and Maul in TPM? The precedent is set and you know Filoni and Favreau still listen to ol' Georgie boy.
Man, I loved the Prestige! I would NOT, however, like two Boba Fetts! Don't multi-verse this stuff, please!Maybe this will end up like The Prestige where the big reveal will be that there were always TWO Boba Fetts (one a badass, one a bumbling idiot) who took turns wearing the armor.
Look, if I'm not in the Prestige thread I shouldn't expect to have that movie spoiled in another thread. A little courtesy, please!Wow spoilers.
Joke by the way.![]()
It's only 16 years old.Look, if I'm not in the Prestige thread I shouldn't expect to have that movie spoiled in another thread. A little courtesy, please!![]()
That was my point though, that his "softness" that Fennec recognized (and wrongly attributed to his time with the Tuskens but was actually a result of the Sarlacc) was also the reason for everything you mention above. So as of now we've got Fennec recognizing that Fett has turned soft since his OT days and Cad Bane remembering him as a ruthless killer. That's probably all the lip service we'll get acknowledging the contrast between OT and BOBF Fett and if I love how they wrap this up I at least will probably be fine accepting that.No, Fennec saying that the Tuskens made him soft fails to accomplish what I was referring to. The Tuskens just made him want to stop going through his life and job alone. It doesn't even begin to address why his instinct was to waste time asking the Rodian firespray if he wanted to be set free. It doesn't explain his attitude toward Tuskens who beat him, tortured him, and had him doing firespray labor. When he tells Fennec that the Tuskens saved him, that was utterly ridiculous.
Yep, it sure does!I need to see an actual acknowledgment that the Fett who came out of that Sarlacc was not the same guy who went into it. But since I've seen the Fett characterization in Filoni's TCW, I'm pretty sure this will never be a version of the character that I can accept as a logical extension of his OT persona (which inspired his reputation, marketing, and EU characterization). He was the most feared and respected bounty hunter in the galaxy, and I need to see them acknowledge that. Otherwise, the implication is that he was always this much of a moron, and was kindhearted by nature.
The guy who gets stumped by a locked door, embarrassingly chases a rabbit droid, and hovers his ship right over the mouth of the Sarlacc is someone I don't want being sold to me as the same guy from ESB. That doesn't compute.
I'm willing to do their work for them by head-canon-justifying Sarlacc digestive enzymes corrupting his brain (or whatever nonsense I choose), but only if they acknowledge ruthlessness and supreme competence having once been his defining characteristics. I can accept the retarded, Tusken-influenced, "softer" Fett going forward because I acknowledge that brain injury/ailment can completely alter a person. But they first need to acknowledge how truly altered he is. That's the key for me. Hope that makes sense.
Phew!It's only 16 years old.
Luckily I watched it last year.![]()
"This is a lightsaber. It belonged to my former teacher, Master Yoda. He lost it when dueling Palpatine in the Senate Chamber. How did I come by it you ask?